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Lookup Failed


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So after a long time of playing fallout I recently started getting the lookup failed error. I think this may have come shortly after installing the alternate start mod but I can't be sure. So I backed up everything, deleted the strings folder then verified files to download new ones. Naturally I copied all my ini folders over so mods would work and all that but there are a few mods that refuse to work with the new strings. I have tried purging, re downloading, followed all the troubleshooting steps and nothing seems to work. If I place the old strings back these mods work perfectly again but the lookup failed error is back as well. Some of the mods effected are "Full Dialogue Interface" and "Rename Dogmeat". Is there some way of fixing the strings without using the new ones? Or perhaps someone can suggest something to get these mods working again with the new strings.

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Make sure your Full Dialogue Interface is fully up to date. That mod is mostly edited string files and a few interface.swf's. You'll never get it working with the "New" Interface files from after verifying your game.


Possibly uninstall Full Dialogue Interface and re-install it from the most current files available on the nexus.


I don't know anything about the other mod for Dogmeat so your on your own for that one.


Edit: and every time I have seen the "Look Up Fail" it was due to Full Dialogue Interface being out of date.

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Make sure your Full Dialogue Interface is fully up to date. That mod is mostly edited string files and a few interface.swf's. You'll never get it working with the "New" Interface files from after verifying your game.


Possibly uninstall Full Dialogue Interface and re-install it from the most current files available on the nexus.


I don't know anything about the other mod for Dogmeat so your on your own for that one.


Edit: and every time I have seen the "Look Up Fail" it was due to Full Dialogue Interface being out of date.


I deleted the mod, re downloaded it and no dice. I did however finally find a fix when I manually replaced all the strings with the mod strings. Should I worry however that doing it that way will mess with start me up? Does that mod edit strings as well?

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I wouldn't assume Start Me up edits strings but I can't say for sure. I always install Full Dialogue Interface by hand and I've never had a problem with it.


Edit: well Start me up does edit strings from what I can tell so you may have to get it's patch and extract it's strings from the BA2. Loose files will win so with start me up's files in a ba2 they will be overwritten.

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So would just overwriting the strings with the ones from start me up be the way to go? Or when installed is the mod supposed to just make minor edits to the file?


BTW, I havent said it yet so I will now. Thank you so much for your help!

Edited by alphachimera90
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