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Oblivion not launching?


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Alright, so, I decided I would download a few new mods earlier...bad idea. I downloaded the unofficial patch, Midas' Magic Spells of Aurum, Natural Environments, Deadly reflex, and Darnified UI. Oblivion was working fine until I downloaded and installed these mods. I went directly from installing them to playing the game, which would not start. At first I thought this was a mod conflict, so I decided to disable ALL my mods and try to launch oblivion again. Same thing. It will start up and show me the first Bethesda and then close and say oblivion has stopped working. I tried deleting all my mods, uninstalling, then re-installing. Same thing. I then tried installing it to a different folder, same thing. I tried uninstalling and re-installing numerous times...I have no idea what could be wrong.
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First let's cover off some of the basics. Did you install the game in the default location (C:\Program Files) and are you running either Windows 7 or Vista? If so then UAC could be interfering. It will leave an unmodded game install alone but then 'step in' to 'protect' your game from what it considers unauthorized changes. If that's the case then you'll want to re-install the game outside of Program Files. Bben46 has posted a wiki article, Oblivion reinstall procedure that will help get that job done properly. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location, and don't skip the registry cleaning step ... it's important.


If that's not the issue (i.e. your game is already installed in for example C:\Games\Oblivion) then you may be having problems from not completely uninstalling the mod causing your problem. Even if the mod is disabled in 'Data Files' it's resources left in your Oblivion\Data folder can cause problems. Completely uninstall all of the mods, get the game running properly without any mods, and then install one mod at a time and test thoroughly between mods. Makes troubleshooting problems a rather trivial matter.

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I had it installed in My games/Oblivion, and I am running windows 7, I did however install it to the default program files location after it stopped working.


Also, I completely got rid of everything in my oblivion folder, first by uninstalling oblivion, then deleting everything else and emptying the recycle bin.


Oh, something else that you should know.. I have to uninstall it form the disk every time, because when I go to the oblivionlauncher.exe file it says it cannot find the uninstall file.

Edited by Klinkle
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The disk uninstall is actually the best method, but there is a high likelyhood that your previous installs/uninstalls have left registry entries that are screwing up both the game and the uninstall utility (accessed from Control panel or your Start button). After the uninstall run CCleaner and remove all traces of your previous installs. Then get the game installed in C:\Games\Oblivion (or if you have another hard drive, separate from your boot drive that is also a good location ... e.g D:\Games\Oblivion), get it patched up to the current version (1.2.0416, found in the lower left of the menu screen) and then play through the tutorial dungeon right up to the point where you can see the sewer exit in the distance. Make a save right there, before you get the menus for making any final changes to your character. That save will make it so you don't need to redo the whole tutorial the next time you start a new character. Then exit the sewer and go to the Imperial City (the market District is a good place) to make sure your game is stable and running smoothly (or as smoothly as Oblivion runs anyway). Then start adding mods, one at a time and test in between. Before you add a mod read all the mod requirements and description from the download page. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask ... we were all new to this once.
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Ok, I found the reinstall procedure wiki page, I'm following that atm, thanks for all your help, I'll letcha know how it goes.


It worked! Thank you soooo much!

Edited by Klinkle
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