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Last Dragonborn Standing! Join now!


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This is the Nexus side of a thread on steam of the same name. The challenge is simply a race to Level 80 on Adept difficulty, without dying once! Then you must defeat the Ebony Warrior at his camp and finish his quest! The first one to the end will be our champion!


The Rules are as follows: (1. No use of restoration glitch, shopkeeper kill and reload, plate through walls, basket head for stealing and sneaking, or instant bear traps death. No glitches may be used.


(2. Console Commands are off limits for all except when needed to unstuck a quest, a game breaking glitch, or to take screenshots to share with the rest of us.


(3. No mods that use irregular weapon types easily acquired, change leveling, make things both difficult and advantageous for both sides (Locational Damage Headshots that instant kill), and essentially any mod that is questionable to break vanilla difficulty and fairness. No dodge mods. Realistically deadly arrows. Nothing that unbalanced with other people.


(4. You must either reload or simply fight the Ebony Warrior again if his health resets from fall damage. Or you can hit him to make the fall damage take effect and get instant kill! But if the toughest warrior in Tamriel kills you, you are dead and lose!


(5. Mods that add difficulty alone may be used, and you should tell us so we can cheer you on! That includes food mods. But if you starve to death, it counts! Go you crazy marathoner who makes us look bad! Go...and die!


(6. Nothing that changes levexing or XP gain allowed.


(7. When you die, you must screenshot the body if possible, and post it here or on the Steam forum, wherever you signed up.


(8. Screenshot the Ebony Warrior when defeated, then post immediately to win. But you must post level and stats in a screenshot afterwards.


(9. Please put your name and character info in this thread or on the Steam forum thread to sign up. Please add a screenshot to your registration.


(10. Do not leave Helgen or the Chopping block until 19 hours from now, at 5 pm Eastern time here in America.


Sorry it is so late. I should have done this sooner. I thought steam alone would give competitors. Feel free to chat here or on the steam thread. Someone thinks they might post on youtube.


The honor system of the Nords is also the only way to make this work. Challenge your opponent fairly, and accept defeat and a place in Sovngarde mightily!


I will be fighting in honor of you all who join...on my Xbox 360 with a broken PC...


But still.


Wind Guide You!

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I just lost. Tried competing with one other guy for now. Got level 2, it was easy. Fooled around pushing a body off the tower on the way to Bleak Falls Barrow, then got stuck on the edge, then died. I'm out.


Feel free to join at any time. Not many are doing it, and it will be a time differential for us all anyway. Just let us know we competition with your character name and anything else on here or steam.

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