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What would be the maximum power draw of this build?

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What would be the maximum power draw of the following build?

*Core i7 7700K
*16GB DDR4 dual-channel RAM
*ASUS Maximus IX Hero Z270/LGA1151 motherboard
*Two-way SLI GeForce GTX 1080 ASUS ROG/STRIX edition
*1TB 7200RPM HDD
*DVD-RW disk drive
*Integrated audio
*Thermaltake Core X9 Cube Case

I need to know what power supply I should get.

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I'm using two gtx 1080 with a max. power draw of around 250W each. Combined with the cpu and the rest of my system I get around 650W in full load.
Still had my previous 1200W power supply and everything runs perfectly (no load psu fans or coil whine).
The strix carsd are rated with 180W max power draw, but to have some oc capability I would also go with a minimum of 750W psu and to have a bit overhead you could take everything above. (850-1000W would be best, at least in my experience)
Also, go with a quality one so it won't die after the first year.

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I'm using two gtx 1080 with a max. power draw of around 250W each. Combined with the cpu and the rest of my system I get around 650W in full load.

Still had my previous 1200W power supply and everything runs perfectly (no load psu fans or coil whine).

The strix carsd are rated with 180W max power draw, but to have some oc capability I would also go with a minimum of 750W psu and to have a bit overhead you could take everything above. (850-1000W would be best, at least in my experience)

Also, go with a quality one so it won't die after the first year.


I totally missed the SLI.


I would recommend a corsair RM750X

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Think I would go with at MINIMUM, a 750 watt P/S... I would be real tempted to go with a 1000 watt, just to have some additional overhead.

Power supplies are most efficient when running at 50% capacity.


Doesn't matter. Power draw on a PC is pretty much insignificant in a household. Granted, with that much overhead, you would never have to worry about being short on power....

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