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body and skin


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hi folks, im new to mods, so i need your help for picking up some mods for body and skin but im really confused and i dont want to f*#@ up things..


i saw there are lot of bodies type, i decided to use this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31926/? yes i like curves XD


but now i have few questions..


1) will all female npc and especially the followers have this body too? or is it only from the character you use? if it is only for the character you use, how can i make all the girls in the game use this body?


2) about the skin to use, i like this realistic one http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36425/? but i think is only compatible for UNP, do you know any nice skin looking like that for the body i want to use?


3) will all female npc and followers use the skin i will install too or it is just for the main character? if not how can i make my followers and all other female npc use the skin and different faces?


4) the character i will play will be male, do i need a body for male or the one i want to use is for male and female? if i need a body for male too, can you suggest me a nice looking body and skin for my character?


5) i heard there is a mod that allows multiple marriages, but i cant find it, can you help me with that?


thanks a lot in advance :)

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1. All same-sex characters use the exact same body meshes. As long as the character is an adult female, they will have that body shape.

2. Real Girls was converted to CBBE a long while ago. Check the CBBE mod list.

3. All same-sex characters use the exact same body textures...other than beast, elderly, afflicted or 'burned' characters. Standalone followers (ones that have their own, separate, body/face files) will have to have the desired meshes/textures installed manually into their folders.

4. You do not need a male body mod if you don't want one. But, Better Males is the best known. SoS (Schlongs of Skyrim - not to be confused by Sounds of Skyrim) is another one, but I wouldn't recommend it.

5. Can't help there. Just do a search for one (click 'Search' at the top of the screen on the Skyrim Nexus, type in 'multiple', hit 'Search'.)

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'ALSL Body' and 'I Love Cleavage' are both CBBE BodySlide presets. You can only use one. Pick either ILC or ALSL.

TBBP conflicts with HDT. Pick one.

ECE and RaceMenu conflict. Pick one.

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