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Issue with adding long custom idle dialogue in CK


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First off I want to say this is my first mod so I may be overlooking something very obvious, if so I apologize in advance.


I am currently working on a custom voiced follower. When I go to add short idle lines in the CK under "Misc" in the dialogue quest I made for my follower, everything works fine. However, I have some idle that is well over 150 characters therefore I need to make additional responses in the topic, but when I try this it gives the operation error of "Only one response per info is allowed for spoken dialogue." This is strange because I have been able to add multiple responses for other dialogue, obviously, just not for anything I have under the Idle.


Is there a way to allow idle dialogue chains?


Thanks in advance for any help!

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The Misc tab is for single lines of passing dialogue, if you want branching dialogue you will have to use one of the other options that allows this, player dialogue, favor dialogue or scenes.

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Had a similar, yet trick issue, i'm working in a custom npc who uses vanilla dialogue ( i edit and customize like foxfingers to create new ones ) and every thing is well and working outside one thing.:


When i make a prompt with multiple answers by the npc, it's only display the first answer i have added. and always ignore the alternate ( in this case RDO is the master of my mod, and i want to add some new dialogue)





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Only 150 characters are allowed on any single response. You need to add the other lines below the first line, up to 8 max. The NPC will go through them all one after another.

Another way is to begin with a short response and hand the conversation over to a "scene" the plus here is you can have the dialogue interrupted or not.


For more immersion, create xmarkers and place them in "natural" way for npc to look as they're speaking. In a scene you can have them "look away" like in real life, and back again.

make the scene un-interruptable so the person "is busy" so as not to break the scene. You begin the scene via your idle. At the end of their short idle in the papyrus fire the scene.




You are only using the scene for the dialogue, so you might be riding on a mount, walking side by side, sitting at a table. The packages are handled via the alias in the quest.

The quest doesn't have to be a story, all dialogue, whether follower or generic are handled in quests. Of course if you are moving the xmarker trick wouldn't be of any use to you.


An example of this is in my mod, we are sitting by a camp and Rigmor says "look at all these stars" and she looks up into the sky when saying it,

then reminiscing some more is looking away, or at the ground before finally looking at you when she wants to say something more meaningful.

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