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Become king of skyrim


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MY idea for this came about when i found the legate/ stormcloaks officers where found to be essential 'grrrr'


so came up with the idea to wipe them from skyrim


to start

any city town /do a few quest get population of said village/city a bit happy to see you

become thane.


do some some more quests make pop want you as jarl (q's can be like radiant or eg killing a a dragon in the area like the whitrun dragon que

challenge current jarl to a dual (winner becomes Jarl)


also idea's for improving each city town eg adding buildings that are not there by getting them built in game

like the kvatch rebuilt mod for oblivion


repeat across skyrim also

do quests to wipe out all the imperial and stormcloak camps (also have some thalmor camps dotted about to slaughter )


once you have done this challenge both ulfric and the legion guy

to kill em and also have a quest for thalmor boss to do same

get crowned king


this would be perfect to go along with the warzone mod

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