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new to skyrim question on mods


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first off i would like to say hello and to apologize in advance as im sure this question has been asked countless times already.


im brand new to skyrim. downloaded skyrim SE afew days ago through steam.

launched the game to the main menu and then excited as i wanted to mod the s#*! out of it before i start playing it.

downloaded skyrim nexus and downloaded afew mods then went to play and game wouldn't launch..


after deleting the mods and nexus, moving game files and uninstalling and reinstalling the game 3 times i finally got the game working.


are the nexus mod managers different? are they compatible with one one another eg. the same NMM works for both skyrim and skyrim SE..


i want to re download NMM and some mods but am reluctant as the entire game may not launch again..im pretty sure i downloaded the NMM from the regular skyrim nexus site and not the SE site.


i appreciate any feedback.. cheers..










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