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Game speed is INSANE when looking at walls

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I just installed Oblivion and I noticed my jumps were 5 times faster when I'm facing a wall.

I turn around and watch the room, my jumps are back to normal.

I displayed my FPS with the command "tdt" and when I'm watching a room I'm over 200 FPS, when I'm against a wall, I'm at 600.


I thought it was related to FPS, because when I'm facing a wall I can hear my GPU doing a "criiiiiiiii" sound, it's well known.

So, I searched for "how to cap FPS" and found it was the line


by default it's 0, it needs to be 60.

So I tried that, once in game, I typed the command "tdt" and see my FPS is at 60

"Heeey! It's working!"


I move (without sprinting) to the wall, and I'm like supersonic... I'm like in god mod speed, I could crush 10 walls with that running speed...

If I press jump, I make 5-10 jumps in 1sec...


I thought iFPSClamp=60 was supposed to solve the problem...


Please, help me, I'm really clueless now...

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I thought it would be better to add this as a reply rather than a mere edit because it is really essential.



0 mods installed

Game of the year edition


And I was playing in window mode (I edited Oblivion.ini in My Documentsb)

bFull Screen=1 => 0 for window mode


I just experimented with FullScreen

the FPS is capped at 60 without me changing the ini, AND my jump speed is the same when I'm facing a wall or looking at the room.


So, can I play in Window Mode without this issue ?

Edited by FitGuy6Pack
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You have posted this in Oblivion Technical Support ... is the game you are having trouble with Oblivion or Morrowind?

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In Oblivion.ini (found in the Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder ... NOT Oblivion_Default.ini found in your game install's Oblivion folder) locate iFPSClamp (should be in the [General] section near the beginning) and make your change there.

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Well this is exactly what I did before, I wrote it in my 2nd post above.

It doesn't seem the the V-Sync is working 100% when in window mode.


The FPS are capped but the GPU still makes noises (whining coil thing) and the game speed is x100 when the FPS are supposed to be high.

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Perhaps I misinterpreted ...thought you had been trying to use the in-game console to change iFPSClamp.


I have a vague recollection of something similar to your situation, but it was a long time ago. Could be it was in the earlier posts made in the Oblivion Reloaded mod comments (but I could be working off a faulty memory chip too).


- Edit - Ya it was in the OR mod comments. Go to this page and put "high fps" (without the quote marks) in the Search at the top right of the page and then click the magnifying glass. In the results go down to Alenets post on May 27 2015 and click on the Spoiler to see the whole conversation. There may be other pertinent info in the other pages from that search.

Edited by Striker879
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Do you use Oblivion Stutter Remover (OSR)? Does the framerate cap from that one work in Windowed mode? As in, in sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.ini, set bManageFPS=1 and fMaximumFPS=60 (or 61). I never play anything in Windowed mode, but from what I have heard, v-sync might really not necessarily always work in windowed mode. Also, I read somewhere that the iFPSClamp is somehow supposed to adjust the "flow" of the game to match the framerate, and that it is not a framerate cap. So that when the framerate would be lower than the value, the game would end up in a slo-mo state, and if the framerate would be higher than the value, the game would end up speeding up somehow. Setting it to 0 would disable the whole thing, at least the slow motion. If you need a framerate cap system, you could try either v-sync (which might not necessarily work in windowed mode) or some other sort of cap if they work in windowed mode, I think. The OSR one might be worth a try if you happen to have OSR installed.


Also, is there a reason why it needs to be windowed mode? Sounds like an awful lot of trouble for just running the game like that.


Edit: Fixed some typos...

Edited by Contrathetix
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I fixed it by installing this whole list of mods (not a single one missed from the videos, same settings)


Then, I couldn't alt tab from the game (fullscreen).

So, I edited the Oblivion.ini file (from My Documents/...)

bFull Screen=0 (by default)

bFull Screen=1 (windowed mode)


It fixed the alt tab issues.

After that I checked if the game speed was increased when facing a wall and jumping, fisting the wall etc.

The game speed is unchanged (no matter if my FPS are supposed to be high or not)

And they're capped at 60 FPS.


Thank you for your help

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