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SkyUI Version Error


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I picked up the following map mods over the past couple days: Satellite World Map, Satellite World Map II, EzEs -Remove 3D Map Camera Limits, and EzEs -Colored Map Markers. When I finally got the first two working right I noticed that my map colors were still the default ones. I read that author's description and posts a little more and found out he was using the latter two as well. I then downloaded and installed them last night. Today when I started playing I got the following error message when I opened the map up:


SkyUI Error Code 6. Menu File Mismatch. Required version 5.1. Detected version 3.2.


My problem is that when I look at the SkyUI version number in the menu it says it's 5.1, and the folder I have my downloads stored to is SkyUI_5_1-3863-5-1. Does anyone know why I'd be getting that error when I have the correct version or how to fix it?

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You've replaced the map menu provided by SkyUI. There's nothing wrong since that's exactly what you were trying to do by installing those other mods. You now just need to disable that message using the Advanced section on the SkyUI MCM page.

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