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How can change font colors for certain items


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I'm trying to see if there is a way to change the color of a name for an item of any sort. Like if I have a magical sword the display name would be green in your inventory. Even higher magical item would be blue ect. That way you will know what items are magical vs the ones that are not. Or a quest item would be a light brown or beige. Also that would generate a little more excitement when you pick up an item :P. I hope this is possible and if you have any luck figuring this out please explain :)..


Thank you

Edited by vanblam
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Well I tried somethen just to see what would happen. In the creation kit I double clicked a Dwarven Sword and In front of the name I placed <font color='#00ff00'> Dwarven Sword... When I got into the game with utter surprise Dwarven Sword was displayed green when I highlighted over it. BUT When I picked it up and looked in the menu it was white on the left and on the right where its all caps it had the full thing including the code in front of it. :/ But that's closer :P
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Think there might be way to bypass that or get around it?


You're using SkyUI, you could modify that to process the tags for you. Try it with vanilla UI and see if it processes it.


Although it does happen on the damage box as well, I'm not entirely sure if that part of it is part of SkyUI, it might be, in which case you could process as well.


SkyUI is opensource.


Edited by expired6978
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