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Comic & Magazine Redux


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addendum to post #3 of this thread



Above: this framework, is among several which might be possible,

to achieve readable projects in game. It is at beta prototype stage.

it is functional, though not for "watchmen motion comic" style embedded .swfs or animated motion comics.

at time of writing this post, anyways.




I can confirm that it is indeed possible, much like the "dosbox better hacking minigame" mod project,

to have a readable object in game as a minigame that throws to an internet address -

basically, much like cutting out the texture maps for monitors in game and tv's to make them work,

you are merely having the game with a transparent center pane allowing you to see your desktop, with an aligned separate web-browser, that links to the site. how's that for interoperability.

your webrowser is then in that center pane, and you can navigate the comic that way.


This would appear to fall under the same category as livestreams, and would be technically viable.

you're playing a videogame, while listening to a livestream, and accessing a web-browser while your game is also playing.

(move over Back to the Future 2, thats a whole next level of multi-tasking)

it is admittedly at this time, immersion breaking, as you still have to alt-tab back into the game... and the image is not yet made with a filter in the pane etc...

but, you can connect to existing archives that way.


This would be less immersion breaking, if the narrative framing for the frame, was in the pipboy, or on a computer terminal screen...

and, there was an "The Order 1886" style filter pane infront of the web browser pane, to apply a 'pip-boy vision' effect to whatever is behind the transparency.

This approach is also more adaptable, to people who are playing FO4 on other devices than their home PC,

such as micro palm computers etc.


Although project guttenberg was mentioned in post #3 as a hypothetical,

there are several other potential sources,

such as JonX0rDraws etc... (you're playing fallout, reading an in-game comicbook about fallout... so that's how mama murphy had futures powers)


this overlaps a lot with the embeddable live aural nodes, and livestream image streams to nurbs-face-group decal project,

not to mention 'better mirrors',

'holographic disguised entrances',

'animation decal surfaces' and '2D-3D holograms" to name a few.


this is another way in which Fallout 4 could be a 'passive subliminal learning tool" -

you could have the Books of the Wasteland in Fallout 4, actually passively teaching people useful skills,

without them necessarily being aware they're in an educational context.

now, that's true edutainment!

they osmotically acquire literacy and numeracy skills.

with better regionalizations mods, they also learn other cultures and languages.




blahblahDeeblahblah has made a very awesome sideproject, which is literally 2D 3D...

stickfigures, in a sketchbook world accessed via doorportals, b2-D-b2 you are a genius if I may say so.

bear with me, imagine the overlap there.

imagine, you're reading a comicbook in fallout, while under the influence of substance (or fatigued, concussed etc...)

and, you are transported INTO the comicbook realm!

was it real, was it a daydream?

how awesome would that be, in a 'neverending story' kinda way...

you could be transported to Pre-War if you were reading the better homes book,

or, to the future if you were reading science.

or, the horrific world of the Wasteland Guides, which i think is what blahblahDEEblahblah has brought to life...


It would be very similar to the hilarious

"hijacked teleport" new lands "theta-land".

"theta-Tans" are 'rad-beings" who try to attack hubologists etc.

if you teleport between teleport nodes, there's a fractal chance that, you will be hijacked and taken to 'teleport realm',

where the only way to get home, will be to defeat the theta-tans.

when you return,

a hubologist approaches you and uses their E-meter, and insists on chronicling your story,

thereafter, the protagonist leads to new hubbardonianism.




I hope this has a few more ideas than in Post #3,

and I look forward to seeing more of this develop,

both here at NMM, and at beth and moddb etc,

as I think this is a real potential meta-mod area.

you could do a lot with this, along the lines of something like "The Collected works of TS Spivet" etc.


EDIT: edited to correct a spoiler partition error, I placed the wrong kind of parenthesis near it, doh.

Edited by montky
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that'd be neat. maybe some fan series or something. someone should go ask on them fancy art sites and see if anyone would be down to make up the comics.



Oh the publicity a fan-comic designer would get from having some of his work in a great game as FO4 would be sweet for him/her!! Great idea there!!

Perhaps a modder can arrange some such deal, and get us a few readable comics in game! :)



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