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More feminine abodes, feather pillows?


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If Korana is playing Skyrim and could port over her mod for Shadowcrest vineyard


It wouldn't need much altering to bring it into lore friendlish skyrim, my personal pref would be to see it on the slopes of Dragonsreach with a postern gate into the city of Whiterun (or in the city as explained below). Visually I suspect the house as is would fit better into Solitude but anywhere would be nice.


If not then something similar to it or to the Morrowind Rose Cottage would be lovely, I play a female character and would appreciate a mod with decent looking pillows and a tin bath and some pleasant surroundings instead of these barren and very masculine slightly grubby looking player homes. They have merchants in Skyrim, I'm quite sure more interesting pottery, rugs, bed linens and general household goods would be available to purchase coming from other provinces for someone with the Dragonborn's resources and contacts. With some flowers in a vase on a table above dog tail height and a bed you can actually really look forward to getting into to. Don't see why having mannikins to store your armour and a big table to dump everything else on can't be put behind some nice looking doors so that your home is just that - a home. :)


If it came without much of the surroundings, just the house and immediate garden then it could go where that ranting preacher in Whiteruns house is. Maybe give the preacher a hermits cave (out of earshot for preference hehe). After all that area is where the Dragonborn's house really ought to be, he/she should be ranked with the nobility in terms of housing not shoved into a shack in the lower town. And then a cellar with a couple of stables and a door to skyrim (opened by a personal spell or similar to the way the companions go into wolf lair) so that you could stroll down the stairs to the cellar do any enchanting or smithing work...mount your well rested well fed horse and go for a gentle canter near the city.

I loved Korana's mods http://korana.wordpress.com/category/mod-releases/housing/


in both Morrowind and Oblivion, kinda miss them in Skyrim.


Probably a lot of work but if someone could at least do something about the bed linen and remember that not everyone wants to live permanently in an armoury or sleep right next to a forge I would be eternally grateful :kiss:

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you could try my mod - Tamagen Manor, I am still working on the clutter (I hate the stupid little cylinder pillows on the bed and am working on fixing them) there is a forge, and a display area, however it is all on the second floor away from the living space of the house itself, and outdoors is a huge flower garden :D
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