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How to build body for this armors?

I Use CBBE TBBP body for my other armors(outfitstudio help me with body), but when i wear this armors the nipples become very BIg, and little broken textures near waist...

Its like this armor sets have own body preset, but its like they combine with my presets or i dk...


So i start think how to fix this and build my presets for this armors, mb i upload screenshot if need later.


armors that work wrong(i cant see them at outfitstudio):



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Use HDT, not TBBP. TBBP hasn't been supported in a very long time.

For the outfits, make sure you have the CBBE BodySlide files from the miscellaneous sections and have generated the HDT body/outfit meshes with BodySlide.

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For the third time, you need to make sure you have installed the BodySlide files from those two outfit mods. As you have texture issues, I assume you only installed the 'main file', which only supports a completely different body from the one you want to use.

Click on the mod link. Click on the files tab. Scroll down to the Miscellaneous section. Download the BodySlide files. Install them. Use BodySlide to generate the CBBE HDT meshes for that outfit.

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