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[LE] Blender: So I made a triangle now what? :P

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A good tip for creating intricate shapes: find a picture similar to the object you wish to make and set it as background image. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/Background_Images

Place any new object, then go into edit mode, "X" to delete all vertices. Now find a point to start on the image, in the case of a sword, I would start at the tip. HOLD the control key and click at the tip. Viola! You just created a single vertex! lol Here is the fun part: Continue Ctrl+clicking along the outline of the image, each time you do, a new, connected vertex will be placed. Keep in mind that using too many vertices for the shape will only cause problems down the road. Once you have the profile you can reshape it, twist it, bend it, blah blah blah You will eventually need to fill in with faces, add more loop cuts, mirror the mesh, and reshape as needed. But, baby steps. Blender is a powerful tool with a literal crap ton of functions and tools. This is just a quick tip to get you started. I strongly recommend looking up a keyboard shortcut cheat sheet, as it will help 'tame the beast' a bit. I have been using Blender for over a decade, and still have not touched all of the tools and features.

Google some good beginner tutorials, the site mentioned above is a good one.

Best advice for anyone trying to learn blender: Rez an object, tweak it, play with it, experiment with modifiers. If you do something and dont like the results, Ctrl Z is your friend. (Ctrl Shift Z is redo :cool: ) Or, delete the object and make a new one. It is really really hard to break Blender, and you can't do it just by manipulating mesh. So experiment, have fun and get comfortable with the interface, and progress at your own pace. I'm sure you will find that as you use it, and learn new things, it is far less scary than it first seemed, and you will find yourself taking huge leaps at a time in your mastery of the program.

Good luck and have fun. :thumbsup:

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Creating triangles(the actual shape; 3 sided polygon) is not encouraged in 3D modeling and is only used if absolutely needed. Use 4 sided polygons. They are always 2 triangles anyway and 4 verts and are necessary for proper edge loops and deformation.

Yes even for the tip of the sword you want 1 4-sided polygon and scale their vertices to form the sharp point(the same way you did for that triangle). There will be a small "flat" part but it is hardly noticeable. May need to use 2 polygons.

I'm surprised you weren't told about this. You can't just triangle your way through a sword model and have no weird issues along the way because of that.

It'll also take much longer doing it that way.

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Oh boy I dont even know how to make a 3 sided polygon in blender lol

feel like ill never learn it havent touched it in days tbh I like retexturing much better but might pick this back up again one day.

I tried tutorials and such but either get totally lost, bored and lose interest entirely.

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