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Cinematic Dialogue Cameras

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Does any information on how these cameras work exist?


If you don't know what I mean, I'm talking the handful of special Camera angles that occur in certain conversations, the most notable would be the wide-angle shot of the Diamond City gate opening when you first meet Piper.


None of the camera settings like Location and Target seem to have any straightforward effect on how the shot will look. (In fact, for the diamond city scene, the Location and Target are set to the same object.) Camera Path acts like it only requires Location and Target to be filled in, but doesn't actually change how the camera is positioned, or what direction it faces.


I've tried creating my own CameraPaths, but they flat out don't work, even when I just duplicate an existing one.



I was hoping to use this system to script a highly cinematic dialogue sequence, among other things, but I haven't managed any consistent effect after hours of trial and error.

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I wish I knew what to say, other than that I've been working on something almost exactly like what you're describing for nearly three months, and I've got very little to show for it. =( Part of the problem, I think, is that most modders aren't doing the kind of project you're describing, and so there's little motivation for anyone experienced to really figure out how this particular mechanic works in the creation kit. I'm still trying though!

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