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Delayed blast fireball


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you could do it via script


something like...


Scriptname DelayedBlast extends ActiveMagicEffect

Explosion Property YourExplosionName auto
Actor ExplosionBase

Event OnEffectStart(actor Target, actor Caster)

 ExplosionBase = Target
 RegisterForSingleUpdate(x) ;x is the number of seconds for the delay


Event OnUpdate()

ExplosionBase.PlaceAtMe(YourExplosionName, 1, False, False)


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So this would work?

Scriptname DeathPrint extends activemagiceffect  
{Scriptname DelayedBlast extends ActiveMagicEffect

Explosion Property Deathprint auto
Actor ExplosionBase

Event OnEffectStart(actor Target, actor Caster)

 ExplosionBase = Target
 RegisterForSingleUpdate(3) ;x is the number of seconds for the delay


Event OnUpdate()

ExplosionBase.PlaceAtMe(Deathprint, 1, False, False)


Edited by demisovereign
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I'm not sure if it will like you using the same name for the script as you do for the explosion. I'd give the script a unique name just to be safe.


You can also just get rid of the scriptname line from my script bit.

If you attach this script to your spell, it should do what you're looking for.

Scriptname DeathPrintScript extends activemagiceffect  

Explosion Property Deathprint auto
Actor ExplosionBase

Event OnEffectStart(actor Target, actor Caster)

 ExplosionBase = Target
 RegisterForSingleUpdate(3) ;x is the number of seconds for the delay


Event OnUpdate()

 ExplosionBase.PlaceAtMe(Deathprint, 1, False, False)



Edit: also I think the spell this effect is attached to would need to have a duration greater than 3, I'm not sure what happens to spell script effects after the spell they're attached to wears off but I would guess they stop running

Edited by cscottydont
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I replaced the code with your set, when the projectile hits the effect is still immediate without any delay. For instance I think it would wait 3 seconds and then have the effect hit, but it instead just triggers the spell right away.




'Utility.Wait(3)' before you trigger the effect.

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'Utility.Wait(3)' before you trigger the effect.


probably a better option

you could do away with the OnUpdate event and just do everything in the OnEffectStart


I replaced the code with your set, when the projectile hits the effect is still immediate without any delay. For instance I think it would wait 3 seconds and then have the effect hit, but it instead just triggers the spell right away.


the Magic Effect the script is attached to doesn't have an explosion associated with it does it? did you choose an explosion for it from the drop down menu under Visual Effects?

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