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Navmeshing workshop objects, and Navcuts

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So, I have been trying to figure out why NPCs won't walk around on objects that I have turned into Workshop objects. I have Navmeshed them, and created the Navcuts. Everything looks fine to me, but NPCs tell me they can't go there. They will spawn on the object when I load into the cell, but they won't walk around, or leave once they are there. is there some button in the CK that tells the NPCs that the navmesh is there. I have finalized the Navmesh, but for some reason they can't use the objects.

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Kinggath learned making Sim Settlements that navmesh on workshop objects won't work properly on first load, you need to enter the cell, save and exit, then re-open game for settlers to use it. Assuming I remember what he said correctly.


Edit: Nevermind, apparently that only applies to objects spawned in via script not placed with workshop.

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  On 5/30/2017 at 3:07 PM, Ethreon said:

if they can be entered should be navcut, otherwise just navmeshed as usual.

Then I should be doing it correctly. I noticed the USO mod by AndrewCX suffers from the same problem as mine. hmm... I'll keep working on it. Thanks for the advice.

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  • 4 months later...

Hoping someone can offer some insight regarding this topic. I've spent a couple days searching for information on navmeshing workshop items and have uncovered very little instruction. I've seen Stuyk's tutorial referenced a few times, but I get a 404 every time I click any of his links. Can someone point me in the right direction? Right now I'm stuck with the trial and error method and it looks to be a long and frustrating process. I'd like to put together a small collection of simple prefabs, but as of right now I've only managed to produce one sizable monolith in game. Thanks in advance.

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