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Navmeshing workshop objects, and Navcuts

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It's the same process as normal navmeshing except you won't be creating specialized navmesh types - water, cover etc. So basically lay down your pathing as it should be and finalize once done. Some items will require special collision types to be fully functional however - navcuts and stairhelpers. I have a video about that if you need to watch it.

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Thank you for making that video. That clears up a lot. One other thing I was struggling with is the actual navmesh on an object that's meant to be moved, to an extent. I've navmeshed interior and exterior cells, but the surfaces were static. I tried placing my prefab in a debug cell, then navmeshed it, but then I moved the structure and the navmesh stayed in place. I can't remember if I finalized it though. Once it's finalized, does the navmesh essentially "travel" with the structure?

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Workshop items don't need to be placed anywhere to be navmeshed. You just rclick the record and Navmesh, then proceed with your business. Finalize is in the Navmesh menu on the main menu bar.

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Don`t know if it can be a reason but the CK creates some redundant cell and navmesh records after finalizing. I`ve noticed that deleting them in FO4Edit helps to avoid some problems with settlers and navmesh errors in the CK.. And the real navmesh is somehow saved inside the object file. This is suitable for all craftable objects. Not sure about objects placed in a cell in the CK.

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