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Skyrim Randomly Stopped Working


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Hey all! So over the past week or two I've been very carefully crafting my modded original Skyrim (not SE). I am playing regular Skyrim instead of the SE because of the larger selection of available mods and SKSE. I've successfully made a stable modded Fallout NV and wanted to move on to do the same to Skyrim. I've researched mods and watched a lot of Brodual on Youtube to choose which mods I want on my game. I have been carefully checking compatibility with each mod and slowly adding them to my game. I'll add 2 or 3 mods and then load in to Skyrim and test them and then turn my speed to 1500 and run around the map to test my game's stability. I never had a CTD and my game was completely stable. I ranged from 60-27fps all around but averaged around 45. My main goal overall was stability and I think I've done it quite well up until this point. I am using ENBoost, the memory patch and I've done just about every stability tutorial out there. I dont use ENB because the ENB binaries cause me to CTD upon loading in. This wasn't an issue and although I would prefer to have an ENB it doesn't work with me so its something I've decided to live without.


Long story short, I added all of my gameplay content like Archery Gameplay Overhaul, Moonlight Tales, Sacrosanct, ect. and some essential graphics mods like SMIM and Noble 2K and COT. When I decided I didn't like the look of vanilla trees I loaded up SFO and all the sudden I'm having CTDs. I will continue to have CTDS unless it is completely uninstalled, not just unchecked from my plugins. I figured its whatever and I decided to download enhanced vanilla trees instead, and to get better grass I installed grass on steroids by Skyrimaguas. Yet again I was having CTDs so I uninstalled them and loaded my Skyrim save again and I started to CTD, it was as if these mods permanently ruined my modded game even though they were uninstalled. When I crash it happens on the road between Helgen and Riverwood next to the three guardian stones. I always crash when approaching the bend or just after it when I can clearly see the lake ahead, I typically have a stutter here when my game is stable. I understand this area and the area around Riverwood in general is very CTD heavy which is why I have been testing in this area for stability. I have been using Alternate Start to choose the "camping in the woods" option so it would spawn me in this area.


To keep this post from getting any longer I have attached my load order on a text file down below. I have tried starting a new game and it doesn't work I still crash in the same area. My memory reaches about 2900MB if that helps at all (I am using a SKSE plugin to display my FPS and memory usage). I was wondering if anybody had run into a similar problem or if anybody knows how to fix it/prevent it from happening again. I would love for SFO to work, and later on I planned on adding Expanded Towns and Cities to my load order although I would disable Riverwood to keep the region stable. If you've made it this far I thank you for your interest and willingness to help me understand whats wrong and maybe helping me to fix it. Thank you for your time and effort.


*For those who don't want to read the whole story: I had a stable modded game until flora overhauls caused me to CTD even after they were uninstalled. How should I approach fixing and why did it happen in the first place?



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I recently found out that Skyrim has a 3.1GB memory limit. Since my game always hung around 2.9GB I feel like the area loading pushed it over the edge of 3.1GB and caused the crash. I'm going to just have to live with less mods.

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