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New lands, quests, people?


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I've been playing Oblivion for months. I've beaten the whole game more than i could count and it's getting very dull. Are there any mods that lets me go into Morrowind and actually "talk" to people instead of getting them to say, "Hi there!" and a list of things to say back comes on. After this point, the person's mute. I saw this advertisement for a mod a long time ago. Some guy was saying something about coming to his land if you dare. I forgot what mod it was (at that time, the mod wasn't out yet), if you know, post it. And, are there any Quest mods that makes it actually feel fulfilling when you finish them?


If there's a mod that is composed of land, quests, and people with voices, please tell me about it.

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Hey Tony,


None of these add new lands the way shivering isles does(i.e. a whole new realm). But they do all add very interesting quests, Stories, and the Lost spires even sports some new dungeon types. Glenvar Castle is probably my personal favorite. It was the first mod that I ever used and the author is pretty helpful with troubleshooting(though it's often unnecessary). Hoarfrost Castle adds a very extensive quest and has a real sense of progression. Verona House Bloodlines is probably closer to an expansion then a mod.(At least in terms of gameplay) And comes complete with voice acting. And The Lost Spires I could go on about all day. Point is though, it adds hours of gameplay and an interesting new guild. Finally, The Pirate Isles Beta adds a small island from which you can repeatedly pillage trade-ships in your pirate vessel. Hope this helps.

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There is also a couple of more mods, that while not adding worlds to the game, add realism, more dynamics, and more life into the game through quests. Such mods are:


Ruined-Tail' Tale

Tears of the Fiend

Blood and Mud (my favorite)

Fight for Castle Ravenpride

Danger Sense: Feral Instinct (Very Cool!)

Thievery in the Imperial City



And you'll also want to look into installing FCOM if you are brave enough; it will change your game by making it more realistic, more balanced, and more alive.

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