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bodyslide trouble shooting


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I'm trying to convert armors to bodyslide and I followed many tutorials they all say the same but for some reason in game have the desired shape for the armor but the cbbe body(skin) is either invisible like the textures aren't being linked to the armor or it's just not there. Any helpful ideas or know how would be great as I'm enjoying learning how to do this .

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First, I would like to give a PSA on converting outfits to CBBE system: Please use the default CBBE template body! That is the body shape where all settings in Bodyslide goes to zero. It is not about your preference. Player preference is handled at Bodyslide level where we use preset to create the desired body we want (whether slim or super big boobs). But mods like GITS Outfit used some very odd default bodyshape, so it is impossible to use our presets to achieve the same looking body. Like if your preset has Breast + 100%, then, in a perfect world, all outfits built with your preset looks exactly the same breast size. But outfits weren't built with the standard template will look very different even using the same preset. I tried so hard to make GITS outfit works, but no amount of Outfit studio change and slider adjustment (even going beyond the range) can make GITS outfit to look right (especially when matching with other outfits). Some people thought I tried to insult them by "telling them off" from using their desired body (one even banned me). But all it did was to make their outfits so much harder to be built in Bodyslide.

Back to your concern. If I understand your problem correctly ... you did not include the body in the convert. Keep in mind that, invisible body parts means missing mesh. If it is texture that is missing, then it will show up as bright purple (that's how FO4 is telling you the reference texture is missing).

For example, if I am to convert an outfit that shows skin, says Grognak Costume. If you don't know what it is, it's basically one of the skimpiest vanilla outfit with a loincloth type skirt and bra top. Thus, lots of skin showing. In Outfit Studio, you have to see the nude body (in this case the CBBE reference body, shows up green on the list). Without this, the outfit will show up exactly like invisible person with floating bra and skirt.

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First, I would like to give a PSA on converting outfits to CBBE system: Please use the default CBBE template body! That is the body shape where all settings in Bodyslide goes to zero. It is not about your preference. Player preference is handled at Bodyslide level where we use preset to create the desired body we want (whether slim or super big boobs). But mods like GITS Outfit used some very odd default bodyshape, so it is impossible to use our presets to achieve the same looking body. Like if your preset has Breast + 100%, then, in a perfect world, all outfits built with your preset looks exactly the same breast size. But outfits weren't built with the standard template will look very different even using the same preset. I tried so hard to make GITS outfit works, but no amount of Outfit studio change and slider adjustment (even going beyond the range) can make GITS outfit to look right (especially when matching with other outfits). Some people thought I tried to insult them by "telling them off" from using their desired body (one even banned me). But all it did was to make their outfits so much harder to be built in Bodyslide.


Back to your concern. If I understand your problem correctly ... you did not include the body in the convert. Keep in mind that, invisible body parts means missing mesh. If it is texture that is missing, then it will show up as bright purple (that's how FO4 is telling you the reference texture is missing).


For example, if I am to convert an outfit that shows skin, says Grognak Costume. If you don't know what it is, it's basically one of the skimpiest vanilla outfit with a loincloth type skirt and bra top. Thus, lots of skin showing. In Outfit Studio, you have to see the nude body (in this case the CBBE reference body, shows up green on the list). Without this, the outfit will show up exactly like invisible person with floating bra and skirt.

so when i get the outfit lookign nice to cbbe body i went into sliders (this is the steps in tutorial i watch) anyways went into sliders selected set base shape, then conformed selected, then conform all then saved project and i get the outfit saved in body slide and i can change and move it to different types but the cbbe skin is missing and invis is there something im suppose to select on the right side before i do the slider options with conforming

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I wish I can help you more. How about show screenshot ... or better yet, zip up that Outfit from Bodyslide and send to me, then I can tell you exactly what went wrong. Don't give me the entire Bodyslide folder. Find the right folder under ShapeData and the .osd file under Outfit folder. Zip those files up and send to me. Very quickly I can tell you what went wrong.
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