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Smart Rain


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I don`t know if I can post this kind of stuff here, but it is an idea I had which i think would be good, don`t know how possible it would be but to have it so when it rains it doesn't go though roofs of built structures, like I know its a small thing but I think it would be nice so when you go into I structure you have built or is pre built and it actually works as shelter and stops the rain, its just an idea i wanted to put out there see as i have no knowledge of modding so i thought id tell the people that know what they are on about, so if someone wants to actually make it a thing if it is possible, a little shout out or credit or something like that if you do make it and obviously tell me because id love to try it out

Edited by Cannywolf
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rain occlusion is a built in feature of Fallout 4

you can turn it on or off in the launcher options.


if it is turned off by default then your system might not be up to the task.


this is from Fallout 4 Guide: Settings To Turn On Or Off For Best Performance


Rain occlusion: This setting ensures that rain won’t be rendered around your character if you’re under something like a highway or building overhang. Because player movement is taken into account, this can cost you several FPS during rain storms. Since it doesn’t break the fourth wall in any way, it’s best to leave it off if you’re going for better performance.

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I think this is an issue with mods interacting with one another. I personally Have Rain occlusion on Ambient occlusion Set to high. While Clean Settlements has allowed me to clear most if not all clutter and buildings from Sanctuary I can see a noticeable difference in Occlusion where structures used to be versus where I have put new ones. Is this an Issue with "Wetness", Spring Cleaning, Snap n Build and what ever other mods are adding structure items? or is this a limitation of the engine.

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