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I'd really appreciate some assistance


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I've overhauled my load order, took the time to unpack and repack my textures with Archive 2, and have started a new game. I've been researching and trying to sort my load order, as loot obviously doesn't move everything, and I could really use some assistance by someone that knows more about load order. I assure everyone, I'm not just being lazy about it and asking for help, I have 2 guides that I have used for a base, and have even opened fo4edit and found my conflicts, but haven't figured out how to fix them yet.i just want everything to run as efficiently as possible, and another opinion would help a lot. I really appreciate any input


0 0 Fallout4.esm

1 1 DLCRobot.esm

2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm

3 3 DLCCoast.esm

4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm

5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm

6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm

7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp

8 8 ArmorKeywords.esm

9 9 HUDFramework.esm

10 a Arbitration - Resources.esm

11 b Homemaker.esm

12 c SimSettlements.esm

13 d More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp

14 e FAR.esp

15 f No More Fake Puddles - Nuka World 1-0.esp

16 10 fog.esp

17 11 NicerWheatherOnFarHarbor.esp

18 12 ImmersiveGameplay.esp

19 13 SeasonPass_IG_PATCH.esp

20 14 ImmersiveGameplay_Easier.esp

21 15 FO4 Seasons - Summer - AllDLC.esp

22 16 3DNPC_FO4.esp

23 17 Armorsmith Extended.esp

24 18 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp

25 19 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp

26 1a DiamondCityPlus.esp

27 1b Mercenary.esp

28 1c ruined_simsettlement_addonpack.esp

29 1d IndustrialCity_Sim_Settlements_Addon.esp

30 1e Conquest.esp

31 1f TrailerParkDreams.esp

32 20 WVSimSAddon.esp

33 21 PCDugSIMAddon.esp

34 22 AtomicRadio.esp

35 23 Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp

36 24 Survivalist Go-Bags_AE_AWKCR.esp

37 25 MoreWeaves.esp

38 26 ModularKalash.esp

39 27 M2216.esp

40 28 CBBE.esp

41 29 LooksMenu.esp

42 2a Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp

43 2b DD_1x1_Foundation_Blocks.esp

44 2c CREAtiveClutter.esp

45 2d dinoshelf.esp

46 2e dinoshelf_extra_ammo.esp

47 2f BetterSettlers.esp

48 30 BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp

49 31 This is MY Bed (Basic).esp

50 32 Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp

51 33 MorePowerfulWindmills10.esp

52 34 Thematic and Practical.esp

53 35 Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp

54 36 PCDugBuildAWall.esp

55 37 WalkingDead.esp

56 38 RaiderMask.esp

57 39 Prefabs.esp

58 3a ExpandedSettlementBuildings.esp

59 3b BasementLiving.esp

60 3c EnhancedGrass_Low.esp

61 3d Campsite.esp

62 3e AkaInvisibleFurniture.esp

63 3f Insignificant Object Remover.esp

Edited by wanderer3292
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Small hint: put your load order in [ spoiler ] tag as this is a custom here (to reduce cluster).

Anyway, what is the problem you are trying to fix beside maybe optimizing the game more efficiently?

My 2 cent is that no software is perfect in load order. Now I just do it by eye. I mean, I do have a good deal of knowledge on what exactly a mod does in my game by opening it with FO4Edit. So when in doubt, I do that. And I find that in most cases, our concerns or beliefs are just myth. So far, looking at your load order, I feel you have so few mods :) I have some 250 active mods right now. That is with a lot of small mods already merged by myself. At glance, based on the mods that I know, nothing seems to stand out as a red flag. There are a few mods I don't know though.

Oh here, I would advise caution with mods like 62 3e AkaInvisibleFurniture.esp not because it is a bad mod. But rather a very good mod, the author specifies that you must use a holotape to safely remove game content from the mod before uninstalling, or else bad thing would happen. In this case missing menus. So don't just treat mods like plug and play.


Another concern, make sure you update all your mods (which is not visible via load order list). I just found out Unofficial Patch was updated a few days ago. Luckily I checked, because NMM somehow doesnt pop out a big notification window at all (or maybe I need to enable something).

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I'd suggest after trying out what tomomi1922 said, start asking around about the specific conflicts you're having. Be aware that the load order is also used to achieve the result you personally want and perhaps the mod authors did not think of that result. For example I'm playing FROST, which overhauls NPCs among many other things, but I wanted to add two pre-war weapons to be used by those NPCs and the easiest way I thought of, was to edit FROST's plugin, specifically those NPCs leveled lists. Right now the weapons' plugins are above FROST in my load order, but there might be a more elegant solution as well. It may be that you require some patches to some mods with or without a change in the load order.

Edited by Cycllink
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you've both actually been a big help, I've just never ordered my mods on my own, amd kept feeling like I was doing something wrong, but from what I understand from you guys, there is no perfect load order. that gives me more confidence in sorting it out for my game, and reassures me that there isn't anything wrong with how I sorted it. I have been trying to research how to use fo4edit, I did find a lot of conflicts, but nothing game breaking. now I'm in the process of learning how to fix the conflicts and what the different terms mean. I appreciate the responses
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you've both actually been a big help, I've just never ordered my mods on my own, amd kept feeling like I was doing something wrong, but from what I understand from you guys, there is no perfect load order. that gives me more confidence in sorting it out for my game, and reassures me that there isn't anything wrong with how I sorted it. I have been trying to research how to use fo4edit, I did find a lot of conflicts, but nothing game breaking. now I'm in the process of learning how to fix the conflicts and what the different terms mean. I appreciate the responses


FO4Edit is a tool. It is not intelligent as a human being by any mean. I notice many conflicts (in red), but some mod authors explicitly said it is the way it is. So in my experience, if the mod conflicts with Fallout4.esm ... it's normal. If the mod conflicts with Fallout4.esm and Armorsmith.esp ... it's normal too (because it uses AE asset). If you have 4-5 mods that override each other like this .... ask yourself ... what are they? Find out what they are. Are they patch of the same mod (to make compatible with other) or to fix something (and the mod author explicitly said so)... or 2 randomly unrelated mods conflicts (and both authors mention nothing of it)? Then red flag will be raised.


But sometimes, even that is fine as long as you really understand what the mods try to do. So my real advice: Start reading/learning into modding via FO4Edit. Because either you organize and wise up now, or you have to wise up when you installed the wrong mods and game crashes. Nothing is plug and play here. I am trying to learn as I go as well. It gives me a peace of mind just because I have more confident I can fix things when things go wrong.


Example: there is this neat mod called Unified Clothing Overhaul http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18489/? . There are 3-4 mods like this but this seems to be the most updated and the author seems confident and competent (through reading how he wasn't lazy at writing description, at how he handled bug reports and over all comments). He literately reduces all the slot requirement for vanilla armors and add railroad ballistic weaves to most of them. And he just didn't do enough for Grognak Costume. I made a mod to remove Grognak Costume gloves which has like 4 overwrites Fallout4.esm > Armorsmith > UCO > My little mod. it worked fine. Although, in best interest to save esp count, I just went in UCO directly to edit the Grognack Costume record.

Edited by tomomi1922
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you've both actually been a big help, I've just never ordered my mods on my own, amd kept feeling like I was doing something wrong, but from what I understand from you guys, there is no perfect load order. that gives me more confidence in sorting it out for my game, and reassures me that there isn't anything wrong with how I sorted it. I have been trying to research how to use fo4edit, I did find a lot of conflicts, but nothing game breaking. now I'm in the process of learning how to fix the conflicts and what the different terms mean. I appreciate the responses


FO4Edit is a tool. It is not intelligent as a human being by any mean. I notice many conflicts (in red), but some mod authors explicitly said it is the way it is. So in my experience, if the mod conflicts with Fallout4.esm ... it's normal. If the mod conflicts with Fallout4.esm and Armorsmith.esp ... it's normal too (because it uses AE asset). If you have 4-5 mods that override each other like this .... ask yourself ... what are they? Find out what they are. Are they patch of the same mod (to make compatible with other) or to fix something (and the mod author explicitly said so)... or 2 randomly unrelated mods conflicts (and both authors mention nothing of it)? Then red flag will be raised.


Start reading/learning into modding via FO4Edit. Because either you organize and wise up now, or you have to wise up when you installed the wrong mods and game crashes. [/color] Nothing is plug and play here. I am trying to learn as I go as well. It gives me a peace of mind just because I have more confident I can fix things when things go wrong.

That's where I'm at now. I've definitely come along way from when I started, and I'm able to get more out of my games with the more that I learn. my mods do play fine together, I could've not done anything with this new playthrough, but I enjoy learning about what's going on under the hood.

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