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Simple sword mod request


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Goooood day everyone.. . Can I request a single weapon mod, a 2H hammer that can fling an enemy by a chance and only if it is charged?

Sorry. . the title says "sword". . .

Edited by CyranGE
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like with an effect similiar to the Unrelenting Force shout fully charged?

i think he would like to have two handed hammer that can be cahrged with soulstones.

and only when it it charged it is able to toss away enemys.

So when the weaponcharge is empty the effect is nullified.


Now under "fling" i understand a similar effect like a "fully charged unrelenting force".

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@ludexGundyr: You got the fling right sir :smile: I want the weapon to be not so OP, so to balance it can be charged with soulstones Or small chance like chillrend/hoarfrost Or only if power attack is used

Edited by CyranGE
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