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Help: Quests!


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I know this should be the simplest thing in the world, as I can get new weapons and races into the game, but I cannot get my super-basic quest to work.


I've followed the developer's tutorial in the CK wiki, with only a few variations for my needs (name of the NPC, what he says). I'm wondering if there is another quest tutorial out there, because I must be missing something.


My NPC fails to show any options, and won't say any of the dialog I've got for him. He appears were I put him in the game, but nothing more. I've checked and triple checked my dialog branch condition, which makes sure only he can say it, and only before the quest has been started. I've recorded temporary audio too. Nothing, he just says 'what do you need?' when I interact with him, and no dialog or options appear.


I'm thinking I'm missing some small step somewhere, and I need a second tutorial to compare with. I've been hesitant to post about this because without looking over all of my files, it would be hard for any of you to help. I'm hoping someone else went through the tutorial, and discovered some small step that was left out.



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I don't have any conditions set in the Quest Data (The condition to make sure only my NPC can say his own lines are in the Dialogue views tab as shown in the tutorial).


Also, I've got my dialog set as top level, and I added one blocking as well just to see if the damn guy would talk. Nothing :(

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Other suggestions: Ensure that quest is being started - either start game enabled or using another script (with a MyQuestProperty.Start() ).

Ensure that all the alias are correctly assigned and used.


Are the alias assigned to the specific reference or to the unique base actor?

Edited by PaladinRider
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it seems like all my oblivion modding expertise has disappeared, i used to make complicated quest mods with imported new weapons and all. now its like i have forgotten any form of scripting or quest making ARRRGGGhhh!!!!!
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My alias points to a Unique Actor (In my case, it is set up to lead the player to an object I've placed in the world), but this shouldn't have any impact on the problem. The dev tutorial says that you can jump in game and test your dialog before you even get to the page talking about aliases.


Not only does my quest not work, but as I said, I set up another 'quest' of random things for the actor to say, and he ignores them as well. I've gone back and forth through the tutorial, triple checking each screenshot to make sure I've got every box checked, and all looks as it should. I can find my NPC in game, and he has the name I've given him, but that seems to be all that has gone right. >_<

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I struggled with this at first too. I'm trying to recall where my error was. It definitely sounds like your quest isn't running. Keep in mind that quests need to be running in order for its dialogue to work. If you don't already, try adding a quest stage (leave it at 0 if you like).


Make it Start-Game Enabled (even if just for testing purposes). As long as you have the GetIsID MyActor == 1 condition on every dialogue option ,it should pop up.

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