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[WIP] Dovahheim -- A Player-Owned Town!


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Started a thread about this way back, well ahead of the CK finally landing. I've been slowly working on it since then, and am getting near to the point where I can put out my first release!


Dovahheim ("Dragon's Forge") is a new town, growing up alongside an outpost the Dovahkiin is tasked with maintaining and managing. As the player purchases upgrades for the town, more NPCs will move in, more new quests will become available (with a much deeper cause-and-effect relationship than most other quests in the game), and there's even plans for new, unique items!


I'll be releasing the mod in "episodes"; Episode 1 will be out very soon, and will allow the Dovahkiin to take on the stewardship of the town.


The site I chose is Robber's Gorge, a bandit camp right on one of the province's main roads that's been extorting "tolls" from travelers. In Episode 1, the player will be tasked with slaying the bandit leader (and the mod will gracefully handle the player having already done so prior to installing it), and then be granted stewardship over the camp; in this episode, that means simply that the bandits are replaced by a small handful of Hjaalmarch guards dispatched by the jarl, and the bandit leader's shack becomes a run-down old player house.


You can find more information on the mod's wiki page.


What I'm looking for is people interested in testing, as well as suggestions for quests and the upgrades that can be made available to the player. Things like a smithy, better walls (already intend on 2-4 stages of walls) and watch towers, a guard's barracks, a keep, etc. Each upgrade will be either purchasable from an NPC (just like player house upgrades), or unlocked via a quest.


EDIT 19 February 2012:

First release is out! For now at least it is a Nexus exclusive, so hurry over and get it!

Edited by kromey
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I like it! I've been waiting for a mod like this to come out, I hope you see it through.


As for suggestions, I rather like the idea of the player gathering materials in bulk or paying someone to gather them for you and then having your smith craft the guards better armor.


Say you gather material for glass armor, give it to the smith and your guards all have glass armor now.


You could take it one step further with that Grand Library idea RandomlyAwesome came up with, maybe a mage starts studying there and you can pay him to enchant gear for all of your guards.

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Added the library and guards' equipment upgrades to the wiki -- good ideas!


I probably won't do too many of the guard equipment upgrades, though, unless I can find a way to use a script to replace their default gear with the upgraded stuff; the alternative is to have multiple full sets of guards in the town, one full set for each of the upgrades. Not impossible to do, but I'm already going to have lots of tedious CK work to do to make all the various town upgrades, and with things overlapping as they'll need to (e.g. I plan to replace the run-down old shack with a nicer player house as one of the first upgrades available, which means two houses occupying the exact same space in the CK) this is already getting very difficult/awkward...


Unless someone knows of a way to make addItem() and equipItem() persistent across cell reloads... Hm, EquipItem() has a parameter to prevent the actor removing it... I'll experiment with that, if that will work it will make life so much easier and make me far more likely to include different tiers of guards' armor upgrades...

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I just tought of this since the place is called dragon's forge you could make it so that while digging the miners/builders find a giant cavern with lava pouring out of giant dragon statues and the blacksmith/forge can be there.

You could even make the blacksmight sell special weapons(kinda like skyforge steel only being found at the skyforge)or make those special weapons craftable at high upgrade levels



of course this is a production of my overactive imagination thinking it would be really cool and thus you don't need to use it if you don't want to.(though you don't have to do anything we tell you this is your mod after all.)

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I just tought of this since the place is called dragon's forge you could make it so that while digging the miners/builders find a giant cavern with lava pouring out of giant dragon statues and the blacksmith/forge can be there.

You could even make the blacksmight sell special weapons(kinda like skyforge steel only being found at the skyforge)or make those special weapons craftable at high upgrade levels

There's actually already plans for special weapons and armor a la the Skyforge (except actually good), thanks to a new, unique ore found only in a mine deep beneath Dovahheim. There's a whole quest line around getting that stuff, but I won't give away any spoilers just yet. Suffice it to say, there will be a unique discovery in the mines below Dovahheim, although not dragon-related (the town's name is one part metaphorical, one part homage to the Dovahkiin, and one part I just really like Dragon Language).



As soon as I iron out some issues in the CK with the initial quest, I'll be releasing Episode 1 -- probably this weekend, maybe even today if I'm lucky. Just forgot a key dialog topic, and then I've got to get the script to send the courier to the player working...

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offtopic:Are the skyfoge weapons really that bad.I don't have one yet

let get on topic so here I present you with:

more ideas :D :

-A bank

-DOVAHHEIM [Dovahheim Dovahheim Dovahheim Dovahheim(those little dovahheims are supposed to be an echo by the way) can gain little amounts of income every 12-24 hours or so which would then be deposited to said bank

-side quest-ish thing where you have to protect a trade caravan going to/coming from DOVAHHEIM [Dovahheim Dovahheim Dovahheim Dovahheim

Edited by RandomlyAwesome
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