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My NPC won't speak his line.


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Hello. So i recently found out that i could get one of my new NPC's to buy ores from me, as a "job". It seems the only thing i have to do is add him to the correct faction, which i have. And he will speak the line, but not to my face. He'll just say it without entering conversation. Anyone know how this works?
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It sort of sounds like you put the line of dialog somewhere like "Idle" rather than making it a custom dialog topic at the top of the tree in a custom quest that is "Start Game Enabled"


Thank you really much for the fast response. :thumbsup:


The thing is though, i didn't touch anything else than add the NPC to the FavorJobsMineOreFaction.

So i must be missing something.. :(

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Are you sure that your NPC has the specific "miner" keyword attached to him? The dialogue looks like it is conditionalized on that.


Ex. The NPC Verner Rock-Chucker has the keyword 'MinerCorundum'


Thank you so much! That was the missing piece. I didn't keyword the NPC right. :psyduck:

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