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Proof that a player can fly in Skyrim well may be more like swimming


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Why Bethesda? Why did you curse us with havok? why did you remove all the neat commands we used to like, and why the heck did you make it so hard to add new stuff? Is it because you want to make DLC's?

Ah whatever, somone will figure it out sooner or later i guess, but anyway, i'm sure making no progress here, its always something i dont like, combined with something i actualy like, but then, when i remove the thing i hate, i cant seem to get the thing i liked to work again, meh making me burst in anger... or maybe despair? gah i dont know where this leads me in the future, but i want a flying mountable or shapeshifting to dragon character :<


Maybe i should wreak havoc(k) on bethesda? :(

Edited by DarkenDe
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Could this project help with your animation problem? It allows you to add animations to the game:




Since I don't really get your problem the following might be total crap:

It seems there is a way to edit the behavior files, I dont know if the locked controls are linked to the behaviors in any way, but if so couldn't you jsut copy the animations modify the behavior files and readd them with this utiliy?



I'm pretty sure any animation considered an "idle" animation by the game won't be interrupted. Which makes total sense... since you're supposed to be idle while it's playing. Running forward NOT being an available idle animation is evidence of this.


The problem is we don't want to play idle animations for flying, we want a new set of "running" animations that play while you are flying. The animations should work just like run animations in that they allow you to cast spells or swing your sword or activate an activator while you're moving in the air.


My only idea sofar is to replace the run animations with variations of the JumpFall animation. That's just not practical though, unless you want EVERY humanoid character to levitate EVERYWHERE they go. lol...


BADASS IDEA EDIT: Take the flight script. Apply it to a TRAP TRIGGER and add in a wind sound and a wind effect around the player. You put this over a pitfall and tweak it so it looks like wind is blowing up from the pit holding the player up (Think Mario 64). In this case you could use the idle animation and it would be fine since the player wouldn't be able to do anything except move since he's being held up by air. This is just a real world use of stuff we're able to do right now that i figure someone might find cool. This could also be used as an "wind elevator" if you wanted. Obviously you need to tweak the flight script to force the direction you want the player to be blown in.

Edited by dontkeepscore
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well there is a guy who taught me how to open behavior graph files and this is crazy stuff, I mean 9k lines of code crazy, and thats one of th small ones... if I manage to get my head around it I could design my own behavior graph, im not sure how to implement it yet but one step at the time.
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Well its not simple, if you read the thread you will see the problems we encounter, the flying method the dragon uses is based on AI, so even if design your own flying system (which I did) then you get the problem that animations cant be played without triggering that AI, so basically I ended up with a flying dragon that doesnt play animations, and I decided to surrender..

But then a mod came out, one that deals with behavior graphs which taught me how to open these, and after looking and comparing both character and dragon animations (we are talking here of 9k and 12k lines of code) I think I found out why it doesnt let me move the dragon when I play an animation on it.

<hkparam name="controlData">
                                       <hkparam name="keyFrameHierarchyControlData">
                                                       <hkparam name="hierarchyGain">0.170000</hkparam>
                                                       <hkparam name="velocityDamping">0.000000</hkparam>
                                                       <hkparam name="accelerationGain">1.000000</hkparam>
                                                       <hkparam name="velocityGain">0.600000</hkparam>
                                                       <hkparam name="positionGain">0.050000</hkparam>
                                                       <hkparam name="positionMaxLinearVelocity">1.400000</hkparam>
                                                       <hkparam name="positionMaxAngularVelocity">1.800000</hkparam>
                                                       <hkparam name="snapGain">0.100000</hkparam>
                                                       <hkparam name="snapMaxLinearVelocity">0.300000</hkparam>
                                                       <hkparam name="snapMaxAngularVelocity">0.300000</hkparam>
                                                       <hkparam name="snapMaxLinearDistance">0.030000</hkparam>
                                                       <hkparam name="snapMaxAngularDistance">0.100000</hkparam>
                                       <hkparam name="durationToBlend">0.500000</hkparam>


<hkparam name="keyFrameHierarchyControlData"> this here kind of makes sense, now I need to figure how to pack it back into a normal hkx file, and how to create a new behavior graph inside the ck..

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