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WoW inspired dungeons


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I was thinking that Skyrim's lore and base units would combine awesomely with that of Warcraft's. Draugr, Skeletons, Dragons, etc. A mod that ports in something like Naxxramas or Icecrown Citadel would be a sweet addition to the game. Naxxramas would probably work best cause it's a flying fortress that wouldn't require ground space to make.


A single player dungeon crawl featuring legions of undead and some of warcraft's iconic boss battles would make for a pretty epic mod especially if we threw in some elder scrolls flavor to it.


links for anyone who might want to take up this project and needs references

Map of dungeon: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060918161660/wowwiki/images/thumb/0/0b/NaxxramasTacticalMap.png/426px-NaxxramasTacticalMap.png

Dungeon exterior: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20051213021203/wowwiki/images/b/b2/BlackCitadel.png

Bosses with abilities from the game: http://wow.zuggaming.com/2008/11/24/naxxramas-10-man-instance-guide-boss-strategies/

General background with Loot info: http://www.wowhead.com/zone=3456/naxxramas

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This would be awsome! I 'm a big fan of Warcraft and TES Lore, so why don't we mix them? I think the setting would fit and it will be much fun with this dungeon! I'm waiting for this mod!
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