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Looking for Recommendations

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My husband is planning on making a companion mod and has asked me to find some tutorials for the Creation Kit. I've personally watched a few but I don't know if they are quality or not. Since he is working and has little free time to actually work on it I thought it'd be helpful to get the best tutorials all bookmarked for easy access.


He needs tutorials for a basic overview of the Kit, making a full companion, making new quests, having a quest activate after a certain point in the story, altering the world (apparently he wants to prevent access into Vault 111 after the quest starts), and anything else that may be useful. He's trying to make the spouse a companion and give it a story while integrating it into the actual main story. So it will comment on events and locations and stuff.


He has a general idea as to how the Kit works but wants to make it as easy as possible so if anyone has experience or is better suited than I could help, it would be greatly appreciated. :D

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If it helps you understand something new quality is good I'd say.


Personally I find it very difficult to just learn stuff without a problem, invented ir real. So I'd recommend figuring out something you wanna do and then attempt it, filling up on information as you go along.


I have a playlist that might be of use though it's pretty messy


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