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Deathclaw NPC AI Aggressiveness/Behavior Troubles

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Hey everyone. I've been a lurker around here for a long time, and I've seen you all make so many cool mods for a bunch of games over the years, but I'm finally getting around to trying to make a mod of my own. But of course, since I'm an amateur, I'm having some difficulties with AI in the CK, specifically for Deathclaws.


To summarize my issue, I created a gun that basically shoots modified Synth Relay Grenades that now spawn Deathclaws that are in the Player Faction and a couple others like Player Ally and Caravan. Everything works beautifully, except for that the Deathclaws don't seem to want to fight much of anything, despite having AI data set for "Very Aggressive" and "Foolhardy" behavior. They do occasionally fight some enemies, but it's inconsistent and very sporadic, mostly just them doing that "dirt flick" thing they do from afar. They never seem to fight behemoths (though in one test they did despite no changes on my part; I was testing something else entirely at the time) or Mirelurk Queens. In some tests, they attacked enemies like bloatflies, raiders, gunners, radstags, ghouls, BoS troops, yao guai, and softshell mirelurks with extreme effectiveness, going in for the kill immediately and tearing them apart to my joy. But again, it was never consistent, and people playtesting for me have also encountered these inconsistencies, one player even asking me "why the deathclaws only run away". Which they do.


I thought they might be running due to an aggressiveness/confidence setting, but like I said those are both high. I also thought it could be an issue with them being underleveled compared to their enemies (is this even something the AI cares about?), but after jacking their levels up to 50, they still ran away from most combat. I then thought it might be due to them prioritizing the "DeathclawDirtThrow" weapon over their melee attacks since it's ranged, but removing it from their inventory didn't change their cowardice. Even when they get attacked by a raider with a tire iron sometimes they just run away and attempt to hide. Next I got really desperate and dug into the Race, Combat Style, and AI Packages, even going as far as to use Spike from Fusion City Rising (fantastically beautiful mod) as a template for my Deathclaw Pals, but this still didn't change anything! Argh!


So yeah, any ideas on how I can get my damn Deathclaws to attack things and fulfill my Deathclaw army fantasy? Is it maybe the "Energy" value under AI Data? Is it just a problem with the vanilla Deathclaw AI? This is such a cool idea I feel and something I've wanted to do for a long time; I feel like it has to be possible, I must just not be doing something right... Any help or feedback would be appreciated, but even if you just glance at this post, thank you for your time!

Edited by CryingRaven
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There are some hidden things with enemy AI I believe. I made a custom Fog Crawler on my mod, he is a real killing machince but guess what happens when he fights against Mirelurk Queen or Behemoth? Nothing, he absolutely refuses to fight them and runs away :down:


I even gave him magic effect that gives him "confidence" boost but it doesn't help since it's already maxed.


Also Mirelurk King sonic attack seem to have "target run away" style of magic effect, it will even make companions hide that are set to Foolhardy(never hide or dodge fight).

Edited by vkz89q
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