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is it possible to add holodisk to NPC inventory in topic result script


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Pretty much what it says on the tin. I want a topic end result script to remove an item from the player's inventory and place it in the NPC's inventory. The geck compiler thinks this is A Bad Idea. (I'm using addnote and removenote, btw.)



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Actually, I got it figured out. :) The game considers a holodisk a note, which I guess is why it doesn't show up in your inventory like a misc. item or something, so you have to use add/removenote. I was going by the bethsoft geck wiki, which said you can use the item's name/ID, when in fact the result script wants the base ID alphanumeric code. Thanks, though!
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Using ID numbers instead of the name is probably not a good idea. Consider what happens if a player has your mod in different load order than you do, which is almost assured.



Sorry I didn't see this-- thank you for that reminder! :facepalm: I think I've actually switched it back over to the name, but I'll make sure. Thank you!

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