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Dumb questions about QTP3 and QTP3R.


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I have a Geforce GTX 660. I've read that QTP3R improves performance but some textures look worse. Given my surplus of power, would QTP3 be good if I don't feel like compromising?


In addition, is QTP3 even supported in any way by the community anymore? I don't want to have to look for compatibility patches that do not exist!

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I wouldn't describe the GTX 660 as an "excess of power" when it comes to QTP3. Having said that, you can certainly try it. There are three versions of QTP - Qarl's original, the Redimized version and the Reduced version. Irrc size, and hence detail, reduce in that order.


As far as support goes - QTP3 only replaces vanilla textures so, in general, no compatibility patches are needed. However, I can confirm we still actively support QTP3 Compatibility in the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.

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