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Fallout 4 Multiplayer - Code Draft


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Is anyone interested in making this a multiplayer game?


Some changes would obviously be required for example anything that slows down time would need to be stripped out of the game, or pauses the game such as the pip boy.


Ive had a look at the Vault-MP code and I think it would be best to be based off that.


The main file to edit would be:



Then we go from there.


I've got plenty of time so I can dedicate that to coding, however my knowledge of ASM is quite rusty and will need help on the low-level assembly instructions/ data structures.


This is not a "would you like Fallout 4 to be a multiplayer" this is a "help wanted" post so kindly do NOT bother posting what you think about Fallout 4 multiplayer.




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neat, this does seem like an interesting approach to the concept.




I've only seen a couple of different projects form about real-time multiplayer;

1 was a 'hot switching": merging a player into the same shared instance via duplicating the player one inputs.

it's intended to be futures interoperable with "NPC overhaul" and "Regulators of the Commonwealth" projects, allowing the player to switch to other NPC's from the posse.

this has the added benefit of allowing some "telepresences"/"possessing such as in psiops mindgate and in JK:JKA style.

this is quite resource intensive, so is best suited for LANs or for remote network computing.

it is also not a very good approach for handling multiple players and npcs at present.


2. was a new sidegame mode altogether, multiplayer,

which got rid of the settlement build system and pipboy and VATS, but is envisaged to handle more than 4 or 5 players in the same game.

this would still retain the dosbox style .swf hacking sidegame,

and the lockpicking etc.





so, is the project you're proposing Langerz,

is it going to be offline only for LANs to begin with,

or is it envisaged to be online at some point?

VaultMP really does seem a way to go...


imagine, if Beth then decided to have "themed servers" for FORPGing,

you can play on the evil account, or on a good or neutral one...

real-time quests and roleplaying would be very awesome down the line,

and nothing else would really come close to that.


-How will it handle installs that have different Mod Load Lists?

- could GameModul's tentative thread assist in this area?


-How would live-enabled embeddable aural nodes, and for that matter, holographic surfaces or live-streamable nurbs-face-groups for images as a decal or played on a surface... how would those function as well?

ie, would those features have to be omitted much like VATS and pipboy?


I look forward to seeing more about this,

and I'll be sure to let some local folks know about it, as this would seem a good way to go about making a reliable multiplayer format.

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