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Ps4 skyrim mod idea


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I have played skyrim since ps3. I love the adoption. I just wish someone would possible be able to make an "Adoption Mod". We have all of these house that have housecarls and sit empty. Every town I go to children don't have a home, there is an orphanage that you end up killing the head lady so then none of the kids haveparent or adult there. why is it we can only adopt 2 kids bull 16 I already had my 2 kids adopted. Is it possible to make a mod so you can have 2 kids per house you own. It is just an idea.
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It's my understanding that a system like that would require scripts. I know of one mod that does what you're asking, and that mod does use scripts. The PS4 does not support scripts, so a mod like that is not possible on PS4.


My suggestion would be to either build your own budget PC, or buy an affordable pre-built machine like the older Alienware Alphas (the GPU on those cannot be upgraded at all). You can get them on Ebay for around the price of a PS4, maybe even cheaper. I'll leave an eBay link to one of those so you can see what I'm talking about. They aren't the most powerful PC's, but they are still very competent. It should provide a superior experience to both the PS4 and the Xbox One.


Alienware Alpha:



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