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Khajiit playermodel troubleshoot-I really need help


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For somewhat reason, when I make a new character, It looks fine

but my Khajiit character appearently having invisible body.

not only that, my body is chacnged to human body, and when I get naked, It becomes invisible.

of course, my head stays and became 'floating head'

Skyrim.ini, SkyrimPrefs.ini seems don't work well.

and my character forced to have dwarven helmet. It really looks stupid and mood-breaking.

and overlapped whatever helmet I wear.

Also, I applied realvision ENB, but i don't really think this is the problem because it started earlier than install.

Sorry for my english, but i want fast&precise answer. please help me.

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  • 3 years later...

A Pity nobody was able to help till now. I have the same problem at the moment, only the player model of the Kahjiit are gone as described in the first post (except i can use any helmet or none). I think it happened to me when i installed the SMP-tails (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31745?tab=description&BH=5). But uninstalling or reinstalling the mod didn't fix the problem. I checked and rechecked if the meshes are in the correct folder and also checked the textures (though I think it is a meshes problem).

I personally think that it must be a faulty game file that tells the game witch meshes to use with witch race. Anybody know where this file (files) is located or what it is named???

Edited by BlackBoxDemon
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