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HELP! Home disappearing?


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Hello! I really need some advice, so I'd be grateful if anyone can help. I'm trying to make a home with the CK and all seems to go well, but as soon as I click to a different exterior cell in Tamriel, when I return the farm (the smith one) I'm using as my exterior disappears. It also disappears ingame. Basically, whenever I leave the cell I was using to work on the exterior and come back, it's gone. I can still seem to click it and I can see an odd reflection in the water near it, but other than that it's gone and won't show up ingame. Does anyone know how this can be fixed? I searched the forums and found a post saying to make the farm LOD (whatever that means P:) but that didn't work. Please help!
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Its quite a complicated bug and seems to be fixed when converting esp's to esm but as this is quite hard i advise to just make a new static mesh wirh the farmhouse nif and use that! Although the latter seems to glitch out just a lot less. For seem reason it happens to nearly all farmhouse models
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I'm having the same problem. Perhaps you can describe how to make a new static mesh out of the one we want to use? Is there a wiki page for this sort of thing?

its really easy just go to the farmouse you want to use, right click and duplicate. double click the copy and type in your own "editor id". then use the new renamed mesh.

btw if you have unpacked your bsa's heres an extra tip. after double clicking your copy there will be a directory saying something like "Meshes/Architecture/Farmhouse/farmhouse2a" click browse button and select the exact same farmhouse model and click ok to close the farmhouse copy and use that.

if this seems to complicated or you dont have the bsa's unpacked i suggest you look into this first http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/461381-bsaopt/page__st__60

Good luck

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Well, I've tried duplicating the building I want by clicking "Edit Base" and giving the building a new "ID" in the Static window, which brings up a prompt asking if I want to create a new form - which I did. This, unfortunately, did not help any.


Every time I exit the interior in game and load Tamriel, the building is gone as well as some of the surrounding terrain rocks that I placed next to it. Of course this brings up the question, "Why would Beth make us use a different file format from the one they used, creating unnecessary errors such as disappearing meshes?" but this wont help my situation any.


Unless I'm doing something wrong in the duplication process, it looks like I have to get that BSA extractor and - 'by hand' - duplicate and rename the actual mesh NIF file I want to use? I guess I'm still not sure WTF I gotta do to fix this issue - especially cuz even MORE meshes are disappearing now.


In addition to the house, just about any piece of "terrain objects" I place, such as Plateaus, huge rock mounts and volcanic pools will also disappear when exiting the front door of my house. As I'm sure youre all aware of, everything will load fine if approaching the house from a distance or loading a save. The problem only occurs when exiting into Tamriel from the house itself.

Edited by Calavera357
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Well it was a while ago but i think in nif skope i changed the lod of the house so it doesn't happen to me anymore. It was still a pain the ass to change every nif but if i find the tutorial on how ro do fix it il post the link
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All I had to do to fix this was as follows:

Place object, double click it, check `full LOD,'

Save the plugin.

Double click object and check it has full LOD still, uncheck it and re-check ( I dont know why but this is the working step for me)

Save again and play ingame.


Hope that helps fellow modders.

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Yup! I did the same (forgot to report back here) but it was the LOD that was screwing with us. Fixed every problem I was having. Surprising when you think about it, as LOD is technically dealing with long-distance model replacement to lower the system reqs when a game uses a huge draw-distance. Its funny that it fails to load the mesh correctly at SHORT distance but meh, s*** happens when using Beth tools.


I'm just glad we have figured this out. It can be frustrating when these things happen. Hope others with this problem find this solution before ripping their hair out.

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