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External Application Communication


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Hi guys,


I'm developing an application that measures eyegaze, voice commands and facial expressions/movements. I'm interested in seeing if I can use these in Skyrim (e.g. eyegaze for focusing certain objects and aiming, smile/frown to convey emotion to NPCs, nod to accept, etc.). Is there any way I can pass a string with these parameters (e.g. eyeX:9.9;eyeY:9.9;expression:smile;movement:nod), to a script running within Skyrim that triggers some reaction on part of the NPC or wtv? :huh:


I've though of using sockets, but I'm not really sure how to do this. Is it possible to use the Creation Kit for this? I haven't found any info on this. I'm also unsure how to make the game listen to a certain port and perform the appropriate actions based on what it receives. :wallbash: ANY help would be greatly appreciated guys! :thumbsup:


A pseudo-code illustration of what I mean:


(My) external Application:

_parameterString = processInput();


everyXseconds do:



Some Papyrus script running in Skyrim:

onParameterStringReceived(Port x, String _ps):

//do stuff

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Thanks for your input gsmanners,


I've looked a bit into both the SKSE and Script Dragon and I too, am leaning towards the SKSE. Are there any good tutorials (I couldn't find any) regarding how to write up something to use sockets (or does the functionality have to be requested)?

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