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Two Person Horses


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Well. Its been a while since I've used the CK. Probably since late 2012 or early 2013. it's the longest time, might I say.


I think what I did was manually attatch the NPC to my horse. The procedure worked the first time but when I installed other mods, it bugged out. I cant remember much, i'm pretty much useless

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I wonder if it is possible to achieve this by making the follower ride an invisible horse that is superposed over the player's horse (with the follower's horse being positioned slightly behind).


You know? Similar to how they did the "Flying Broomstick" mod ?

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I've been thinking something up the same vein. I remember Arma II and maybe Arma III had an "attachto" command or something similar, that literally glued the NPC/player to a position relative to another object or player. I'd imagine something similar must exist for Skyrim, but I have zero scripting knowledge as of now for the series.

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  • 2 months later...

I wonder if it is possible to achieve this by making the follower ride an invisible horse that is superposed over the player's horse (with the follower's horse being positioned slightly behind).


You know? Similar to how they did the "Flying Broomstick" mod ?



I've been thinking something up the same vein. I remember Arma II and maybe Arma III had an "attachto" command or something similar, that literally glued the NPC/player to a position relative to another object or player. I'd imagine something similar must exist for Skyrim, but I have zero scripting knowledge as of now for the series.



I was thinking something like using that console command "take control" or /tc


that give you control of the NPC,...and makes your PC mimic their movements,...I haven't tried mounting up with it though,...


Its an idea at least to sync up 2 actors,...just have to get them aligned with targeted moveto commands,...and sync actor rotation with scripts,....then apply both actors to the same horse offset with the NPC behind the PC,...


You'd probably have to disable havok actor collision and IK assets to get them both that close together without them auto-repelling each other(which looks like 2 actors sliding away,....or throbing violently b/c they are too close and repelling) because their hitboxes/collision centers are too close.



Or,....you could eliminate the repulsion problem by editing the player's horse riding animation in 3dsmax,...just move the actor back about 100 units in negative y direction (or just opposite facing direction) using the NPC COM bone....then export that and add it to skyrim via FNIS as a new animation.


apply that animation to the back rider,....you'll notice that the actor's animation is playing far behind the horse's saddle,...but their hitboxes are still colliding, because you moved the NPC COM far away from the NPC root node which contains the hitbox and remains on the origin.


So now you script the actor's position in the positive y direction by 100 units with papyrus,...so now the whole NPC's skeleton is aligned behind the player,...but the hitbox for the NPC is now way out in front of the horse,...too far to cause collision problems


Edit: you'd have to do this for every horse riding animation though,....meaning,...


walk, trot, run, and sprint forward,...left and right turning versions of those,...and the horses idle animation,...and the jump animation,.....so not a small amount of editing,...though,...its not like making a new animation,...or really adjusting it in an animation sense,....just moving actors back,....so it balances out i guess

Edited by Arrok
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excuse me but convenien horses + amazing follower tweaks


give your followers the option to horseback ride, and even gives you the option to decide which horse to ride, also, aft gives you the chance of having up to 30 followers,


there you go, hope i helped!

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