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Request for head explosion/Decapitation reduced. Xb1


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I know similar mods are available. On Xb1, I have only found one that removes all gore, and another that completely removes chance of decapitation and head explosion.


What I would like though is a mod that keeps decapitation for bladed long weapons and sets chance to zero for all other weapons. Head explosions should be kept for shotguns but set to zero for all others.


Limb decapitation is generally ok But perhaps it could be set to zero for hunting rifle and smaller calibre like 38 and 10mm.


The reason for this mainly is because I use Crossbows of the Commonwealth and I'm fairly sure it uses the same damage models as the Hunting rifle. But if not then just a patch to remove the effects from crossbows only would be great! And again unsure but any ammo that has explosive rounds would make sense to retain a high chance of head or limb explosion. I'm not sure if the chance is edited on the base weapon, the receiver type or the ammo type.


I use currently dismemberment Overhaul. Something similar would be cool, with basically just a more realistic approach to head explosion and decapitation. Sorry for a long post.

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