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New game, old character/Resetting quests?


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This might be a bit of an odd question, and I wasn't absolutely sure if this was the right section of the forums to ask, but here goes anyway.


See, by the time I had gotten all the cool perks, armor and weapons, I had almost completed the entire game, side-quests and all. I really wish I could play through all the quests in fabulous armor and with all the neat perks that I accumulated along the way to the games end.


I am aware that it is possible to simply start a new character and get all the stuff my old char had with the console, but that involves an ungodly amount of commands. It would be nice to find an easier way of doing this. I suppose what I am asking is, if it is possible to somehow "reset" all the quests, bringing them back to their starting point, without having to go through the hassle of a new character.


Any help would be much appreciated



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To my knowledge a quest can't be un-completed with the console. I mean I don't know generally but I was looking information about unfinished quests in my quest log (like investigate the bards college and somewhere it said that you can't go back in the stages of a quest. That you can't uncomplete a quest.


edit: I found this command though.

resetquest <questid>


I guess you can after all. But you have to do every quest one at a time.


here's a list of console commands including this one

Edited by babis8142
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