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player.placeatme variables?


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I found somewhere on an Oblivion modding site that you can use the player.placeatme console command to place NPCs where you want. For example,


player.placeatme [variable]


would place whichever npc's code you typed right beside you.


However this oblivion command also added further variables allowing you to specify if you'd like to place the NPC at a certain distance away from you, and also specify which direction from you it will be placed; so that


Player.PlaceAtMe [variable] [5] [200] [0]


would place five of the selected NPCs 200 "units" in front of you; the first digit is the # of npcs you want, the 2nd is distance, and the third is direction (0, 1, 2, or 3).


However I can't seem to get this to work properly in Skyrim' console. I have no problem spawning the NPCs, but they will always just appear beside me regardless of which value I choose for distance.



Basically I want to do this for the Imperial vs. Stormcloak battles that take place in game, where you either have to assault or defend a town or fort. I wanted to add a couple dozen more npcs on each side to make it seem like a much bigger fight... so basically I'd just make 20 more Stormcloads spawn inside the fort I'm attacking with the placeatme command and the appropriate distance, once I fooled around with it a bit. But I can't even get them placed so much as 10 feet in front of me, let alone inside the fort....



Does this option even exist in Skyrim? Does it work differently?


Or perhaps there is a completely separate command?


Any help would be appreciated.



...also if anyone knows of any mods that makes these quest battles bigger (adds more NPCs by default) I'd greatly appreciate the link :)



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The only arguments that placeatme takes in Skyrim is objectID and quantity. Forget everything you read (well 90% anyway) about stuff in Oblivion, this game engine is not branched at all from Oblivion, it's branched from New Vegas and then heavily rewritten. :thumbsup:
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The only arguments that placeatme takes in Skyrim is objectID and quantity. Forget everything you read (well 90% anyway) about stuff in Oblivion, this game engine is not branched at all from Oblivion, it's branched from New Vegas and then heavily rewritten. :thumbsup:


So does anyone know of a command to place NPCs at a specified location, instead of just right beside the player?



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