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CTD's on approach to any city ;_;


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I have tried my best to fix this but to no avail :( So I am asking the community if they can spot the conflict that is causing me to CTD when I approach any city that isn't open (Withrun, Riften, Solitude, etc) but when I load inside the cities nothing is wrong and can just do my businesses there and fast travel out. I just can't approach them form the outside. I did noticed when I leave a city I won't CTD but when I turn around and approach again it does.


I have used Loot to sort out my load order and any conflict that it picked up fixed.


Link to my Loot load order -> http://i.imgur.com/dSh3YTN.png


Link to all my active mods though NMM -> http://i.imgur.com/LvRaJhi.png


I have used TES5edit to weed out the dirty edits aswel.



It's a pretty extensive list of mods but if any of you kind souls could help me spot what it could possibly be it would be highly appreciated.

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Mate, your load order is completely messed up. Did you use LOOT for the load order? Because LOOT only does a fairly good job with short load orders. Yours is far too long for it. You will have to sort them yourself.


First things first though....


Please download and install these 2 mods. Then play the game to test it. If it crashes, post the result here






In addition...add these lines to your skyrim.ini




Post the resulting papyrus log here.


Did you ever remove any mods during this playthrough? Your savegame might be suffering from unattached script instances.


You can use this utility to check and correct




I'm going to look into my crystal ball and say its a problem with your load order. Even though you don't use PerMa here is a post which gives you a good idea about how to arrange your mods.




Try to keep "Mod effects" together. Like all follower/NPC mods after one another. Everything which changes/adds landscape/places together and so on.

Edited by metaforce
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Mate, your load order is completely messed up. Did you use LOOT for the load order? Because LOOT only does a fairly good job with short load orders. Yours is far too long for it. You will have to sort them yourself.


First things first though....


Please download and install these 2 mods. Then play the game to test it. If it crashes, post the result here






In addition...add these lines to your skyrim.ini








Post the resulting papyrus log here.


Did you ever remove any mods during this playthrough? Your savegame might be suffering from unattached script instances.


You can use this utility to check and correct




I'm going to look into my crystal ball and say its a problem with your load order. Even though you don't use PerMa here is a post which gives you a good idea about how to arrange your mods.




Try to keep "Mod effects" together. Like all follower/NPC mods after one another. Everything which changes/adds landscape/places together and so on.

Report on the first part of your solution:


I have installed both mods "Bug fixes, Crash Fixes" and it is working, the game is no longer CTD when I'm approaching any city.


But the 2 things that did pop up after the installation.


First one apon opening the SKSE shorcut (http://i.imgur.com/vb6xrCt.png), I haver changed it in the settings and the game is still running fine so far.


The second one is this one (https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/851591609353324947/9ED58788FA0365E4186E87396E537636036E6220/)

I have tried to locate the SKSE.ini as mentioned in the error but I cannot find it in the specific folder. (Link to screen-> http://i.imgur.com/z9UcPbV.png) Am I looking in the wrong location? It's doesn't seem to effect the game much so far so let me know if I can apply the second part of whats mentioned in the error message to set it to "ignore".


I am no longer experiencing the CTD's so I don't have a papyrus log of it but I do have it installed now for any future events should they come along.


Thank you for your time to take a look at my problem and help me fix it ^_^

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Your enblocal.ini is in your Skyrim folder. So \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim. Find it there and correct the corresponding entry as the popup says.


Which installation method do you use? Manual? NMM? MO? Need to know that to help with the other issue

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