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The games story is so obvious!


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It has been a while, and I found the story so bloody bland.


I have just found out why.


For example...I just finished the 1st main quest, quest. Everyone was tand there screaming

"OMAWGAWD, your a Dragon Born! Did you know that!?"


Yeah well no **** Sherlock, it sais it on the back of the hard copy game case, I read stuff from the internet, I DON'T NEED YOU TO TELL ME!


That, and NPCs somehow no almost everything, you will ever need to know about every quest...

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I don't think the story is obvious if you have to look online to find it out.


Do you mean the structure is predictable? Well yeah, but what story isn't, in the sense that it doesn't use a structure which hasn't been employed before?


The point isn't to do something no one has done, but to do it in such a way that it's unique and entertaining. I think Skyrim did that pretty well in a game that focuses on dragons, which are by no means new enemies.

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To appreciate Skyrim you have to understand Elder Scrolls lore.


Dragons a bit more meaningful when you understand them. They are not just animals. They are more intelligent than most people.


The fact they came back is a pretty huge event, one you don't care about if you dont read TES lore.


They could've done the Greybeards a bit better. It seemed anti-climactic when you meet them.

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I don't think the story is obvious if you have to look online to find it out.


Do you mean the structure is predictable? Well yeah, but what story isn't, in the sense that it doesn't use a structure which hasn't been employed before?


The point isn't to do something no one has done, but to do it in such a way that it's unique and entertaining. I think Skyrim did that pretty well in a game that focuses on dragons, which are by no means new enemies.


I didn't mean I looked online while I was playing, I was referring to the amount I read about the game before the release, I re-entered the TES lore before hand, playing through Morrowind and blivion as much as I could, and then came into Skyrim.


I always found something...lacking...in the main story...Did not hit me till now, the characters seem to go to extreme lengths in telling you, that you are the Dragon Born this, savior of the Nords this, I could go through the entire storyline without thinking about it. It is pretty simple really, but it is full of little, niggley fetch quest and go kill this and go through this 2 hour dungeon to get a note, that you don't even have to read because the quest giver will read it to you.


I mean, its a good game, but WHY...WHY do I need to be told EVERYTHING, just once I would like to find something out myself without knowing I will have to trudge through the dialogue from the quest giver anyway...and when I don't know, its usually a nasty surprise that I read through the book I found, only t bhe given a long summary by the person I give it to...

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I feel like the Dragonborn business was done very well, except for the worlds reaction to you.


In the streets you are a nobody, albiet a few random phrases.


Perhaps an ability to "Show off" or something would be cool. Like using an impressive shout in the air, and people would run to you and be impressed.


Overall, its cool being dragonborn and all, but not if no one notices.

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I feel like the Dragonborn business was done very well, except for the worlds reaction to you.


In the streets you are a nobody, albiet a few random phrases.


Perhaps an ability to "Show off" or something would be cool. Like using an impressive shout in the air, and people would run to you and be impressed.


Overall, its cool being dragonborn and all, but not if no one notices.


That'd be loads better than "I need to ask you to stop! That shouting is making people nervous!" every time you use a shout.

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I feel like the Dragonborn business was done very well, except for the worlds reaction to you.


In the streets you are a nobody, albiet a few random phrases.


Perhaps an ability to "Show off" or something would be cool. Like using an impressive shout in the air, and people would run to you and be impressed.


Overall, its cool being dragonborn and all, but not if no one notices.


That'd be loads better than "I need to ask you to stop! That shouting is making people nervous!" every time you use a shout.


Thats ussually the point where I shoot them :P

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I feel like the Dragonborn business was done very well, except for the worlds reaction to you.


In the streets you are a nobody, albiet a few random phrases.


Perhaps an ability to "Show off" or something would be cool. Like using an impressive shout in the air, and people would run to you and be impressed.


Overall, its cool being dragonborn and all, but not if no one notices.


That'd be loads better than "I need to ask you to stop! That shouting is making people nervous!" every time you use a shout.


"Come to chat with an old woman? Do your good deed for the day?"

If you mean chat as in shouting...


Did Beth just not realize how annoying these things get? Apparently they didn't get how funny an arrow to the knew would be. It's like they just got really lucky with the things that did accidentally work and the rest we just play along with and make great when we can.


Maybe that's not fair and I'm really mad at a different dev right now, like BioWare, not to mention any names or any demos out that SUCK. I should be thanking Beth for something better to do with my game time.

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