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The games story is so obvious!


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The thing about story in TES is it is much more advance then "oh I did some stuff and killed some guys, now I know the story!"


To know the story in TES you have to finish every game, read every book, and talk to every NPC.


The story is not interesting if you think the story is just the main quest.

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I've stopped watching movies because most of them are obvious. Welcome to the world. It's how it is. Obvious. There is only so much creativity a human mind can have. After a while you just end up creating something someone else has created.
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I feel like the Dragonborn business was done very well, except for the worlds reaction to you.


In the streets you are a nobody, albiet a few random phrases.


Perhaps an ability to "Show off" or something would be cool. Like using an impressive shout in the air, and people would run to you and be impressed.


Overall, its cool being dragonborn and all, but not if no one notices.


Yeah, this is a pretty big immersion killer for me. IMHO, they didn't really think it through, I mean, it's established very early that you are the Dragonborn who will save everyone's arse, but still you have to prove yourself to everyone, everywhere you go. Just makes no sense to me.

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Its a Fantasy story. Nothing more. Most people can follow the simplest plot lines and remember more than five Characters, thats why nearly every movie you see is a shake-and-bake standart procedure of one and a half hour.

You can look around the fantasy genre and they have nothing. There is no piece of good, sophisticated Story.


Know what i like? Fallout New Vegas, that was an example how thing could be done.



Dragons a bit more meaningful when you understand them. They are not just animals. They are more intelligent than most people.

And they think the best way to dominate the world is flying around and burn towns and villages?

They would play out the people against each other and do some more subversive stuff.

There was once some sort of dragon cultist Cult, so if would be a dragon i would bring the people to whoreship me. Flying around and burning people is the dumbest thing someone could do in this position. Never read the Art-of-War?


-- "but no one could fight them so why should they do lol omgz rofl"

They were once defeated so they had to learn something about why.


And besides. This on going war between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials, this was lame. They never tried to use much espionage or undermine towns and fortresses, but do some headfirst attacks.

The Thievs guild would be all hanged in a few days if they would bedlam a hole town. The Companions are freaks and the Silverhands tried atleast to eradicate a huge danger to the public safety but.... but hey its just a game.

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Its a Fantasy story. Nothing more. Most people can follow the simplest plot lines and remember more than five Characters, thats why nearly every movie you see is a shake-and-bake standart procedure of one and a half hour.

You can look around the fantasy genre and they have nothing. There is no piece of good, sophisticated Story.


Know what i like? Fallout New Vegas, that was an example how thing could be done.



Dragons a bit more meaningful when you understand them. They are not just animals. They are more intelligent than most people.

And they think the best way to dominate the world is flying around and burn towns and villages?

They would play out the people against each other and do some more subversive stuff.

There was once some sort of dragon cultist Cult, so if would be a dragon i would bring the people to whoreship me. Flying around and burning people is the dumbest thing someone could do in this position. Never read the Art-of-War?


-- "but no one could fight them so why should they do lol omgz rofl"

They were once defeated so they had to learn something about why.


And besides. This on going war between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials, this was lame. They never tried to use much espionage or undermine towns and fortresses, but do some headfirst attacks.

The Thievs guild would be all hanged in a few days if they would bedlam a hole town. The Companions are freaks and the Silverhands tried atleast to eradicate a huge danger to the public safety but.... but hey its just a game.

Er, there was espionage and subversive actions in the Civil War. And the Silverhands are bad and kill innocents, The Companions don't.

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i would bring the people to whoreship me.



Yeah Freud Misspelling. English isn't my naitive toung.



XarnacEr, there was espionage and subversive actions in the Civil War. And the Silverhands are bad and kill innocents, The Companions don't.

The freaking thievguild showed more talent poisoning a brewery than the Stormcloaks with their attack on Whiterun.

The Companions are freaking werewolfs. There was a long, ongoing treand in the entertainment industry to make the blood sucking undead to sex objects and now are werewolfs are my best buddies which protect the innocent.


Well, no point in discussion about, Its still a story for children.

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XarnacEr, there was espionage and subversive actions in the Civil War. And the Silverhands are bad and kill innocents, The Companions don't.

The freaking thievguild showed more talent poisoning a brewery than the Stormcloaks with their attack on Whiterun.

The Companions are freaking werewolfs. There was a long, ongoing treand in the entertainment industry to make the blood sucking undead to sex objects and now are werewolfs are my best buddies which protect the innocent.


Well, no point in discussion about, Its still a story for children.

I cant even tell what you just said.

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