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Where do I Sell Torches?


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  On 2/25/2012 at 11:34 PM, Krawll said:

NPCs don't always pick up stuff you drop but they sometimes do. I'm not sure how it works but i guess it depends on what you drop and who is near you when you drop it . The only place where people will fight over the stuff you drop is in Riften and i think you have to drop something valuable for them to do it. Something like a gem or an enchanted weapon . I didn't rely beleive that Droping a torch in riften would cause a brawl , i was simply being sarcastic

The value of what you drop will not stop a fight from breaking out. I have had Mjoll kill the Dark Elf meat merchant over a few carrots I dropped in the Riften marketplace, as everyone around them cheered both sides on. So, yes, in theory dropping a torch could cause a fight to break out. :devil:

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  On 2/26/2012 at 4:14 AM, magiii said:

if you want to sell them go to belethor in whiterun. im sure he will buy it


Confirmed false. Please think before you post.


There is nowhere to sell them, unfortunately. I had the same idea when I smote Whiterun's town crier's ruin and looted his body to find he was carrying 2000+ torches. I walked over to Belethor to try to sell them but they didn't even show up in the menu.

Edited by adrianwar
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Ugh! Purple on grey. Stick to lighter colors for your text, please.


That aside ... torches. They would probably rate in my Top Ten Most Useless Skyrim Items list, if I had one. You can't buy them. You can't make them. Nobody wants to buy them from you. So, don't collect them.


I've had my Barter buffed pretty high and could never find anyone, anywhere, who would touch a torch. I can't even give them away because they won't show up in the barter screen. I've never had one with me when I've visited Vex to fence things, but she might just buy them from you. I'm not sure how the "acceptible items" list for fences in this game differ from the standard merchant lists.


I usually keep one torch around, just in case, but I rarely use it. Most dungeons are bright enough, as is the outside environment. You'll likely get a chance very early in the game to acquire a candlelight spell, which is more efficient than a torch, except for it's annoying electric-blue color. That's why I keep a torch handy. The warmer color of its light doesn't distort the colors of things around me quite as much.


In the event that I accidentally find extra torches in my inventory when I return home for a dump-and-run before setting off to do more quests I'll just cram the excess ones in the nearest re-spawning container and forget them.

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Stock them up in an unused barrel until you put some skill point in the speech tree. At 50 speech skill, and after 3 skill points expended (Haggle, Allure then Merchant) , you then get the merchant perk. With that perk active, any merchant will buy anything that has value.
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dunno how you feel about using console; but, to avoid cluttering the gameworld or any savegame bloat i clear my inventory of torches using:

player.removeitem ID## QTY##

uesp shows torch ID's: 0001d4ec, 00036343, and 000c82c7.

easier for me to use player.showinventory then PgUp/PgDn thru the list until i see the torch ID used..

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