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Inventory Sub-Categories


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There are a few mods that allow customization to the inventory and SkyUI has made the inventory much more tolerable on the PC.
âHowever, I am still flustered by the amount of clutter and long lists in the inventory.
âI was thinking of a mod that behaves like a key ring but for more categories.
âSomething along the lines of

âThen it would have chest pieces

âAll the sword weapons

âThe most likeable option would be one where you could simply name the sub-category yourself and then have items automatically sorted into the inventory container of choice.

âAgain, I've seen some mods that have done this, but they seem to scratch the surface at a basic level.

âAnd if you know of a mod that serves this function, please enlighten me.


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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Guys if that's how you want to play... but RPGs shouldn't be about hoarding sacks of shat around... It's the reason I'm going to make my character's weight carry limit more realistic. Just like Frostfall and Realistic Needs, it might seem hardcore, but it's more immersive and might be worth the trouble, as long as you can role play. I'm not a purist, nor hard-core RPG player, but in the case of Skyrim things seem to be taking too much in the opposite direction. Just throwing it out there in case you haven't tried. I gave up quickly the first time. Hope I'll manage this time. Time changes people.

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  • 2 months later...

All I want is an extra inventory category into which I can manually place all the stuff I don't want to keep. Loot for selling.

So that when I meet a merchant or whoever, I can just select that category and pick items from it to sell without having to spend ages going through my inventory.

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