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About NikiRandom

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    United Kingdom
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    SSE, Outlast, Blair Witch, Alien Isolation, Kingdom Come
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    I have a long term love-hate relationship with Total War.

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  1. This mod will let you sleep in a bed that you don't "own" - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/36057 I don't think it will help with people hassling you to leave though, unless you have a decent relationship level with them. Which to be fair is not unrealistic.
  2. Installed the new SKSE64. Game load is interrupted with an "appropriate address library" error relating to Engine Fixes. Gods, so long since I had to do all this that I've completely forgotten the process lol.
  3. Oh bottoms. I thought I'd set my Steam acf file to Read Only but I guess not. Hey ho. I suppose I'll find something else to do for a day or few. Maybe even play different game..!! Oh, the horror of it all. Literally spent about six weeks building this playthrough as well : -(
  4. You know when you're about to break into someone's house, and suddenly a guard or some random citizen walks past ... Wouldn't it be great to have a "looking innocent" anim, like whistling and studying some deeply nteresting clouds. Or being apparently fascinated by some intricate detail in the woodwork around the door. I really need to learn how to make my own mods lol.
  5. Found it : -) It's a Morthal swamp overhaul called The Marshlands. I agree, it's a slightly odd place to put another inn and there is a patch to remove it, but on the other hand it's very nicely done. Unique kind of exterior/interior and it has some interesting characters inside so I think I'll keep it.
  6. The needs mod iNeed adds a mechanic for feeding your horse, and I think there's an add-on that gives a buff for doing so. Not exactly survival mode for horses, but it's a step in the right direction. For bathroom breaks there are a couple of mods on LoversLab ... Private Needs and PAF. They can be a bit glitchy but I've often used them without problems.
  7. I've just added this to my load order for a new playthrough. Haven't really tested it out yet but looking for ward to seeing what it does. I've had a year or so away from Skyrim, and I'm honestly blown away by how many advances have been made in modding since I last played. It's fantastic < 3
  8. Hi thanks for the reply. Yes, that's where it was ... on the left as you head north out of Morthal across the river towards Morvarth's Lair. I'm flummoxed lol.
  9. Leaving Morthal by the north road, across the river and on the left there was an inn which (I think but not sure) might have been called The Pale Horse. After spending a couple of days fiddling with my load order, this inn has completely vanished. I don't know if it was a mod added building or something from the CC. Pretty sure it's not vanilla. Googling "Skyrim Pale Horse" and similar terms isn't helping at all. Anyone got any ideas..?
  10. I sometimes use the console to remove things, for eg if things from different mods are conflicting. Just click and type "disable". Preferably with "More Informative Console" which makes it easier to see what you're interacting with. Can't guarantee it won't screw up your game/save, but personally it's not caused issues that I know of.
  11. Thanks for the replies. Found it after a couple of days : ) It's this if anyone's interested - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6713 Paragliding off the Great Porch is all the fun I hoped it would be : -D There is an issue, that the ground doesn't completely render properly, but I'm hoping that might be fixed when I've run Dyndolod.
  12. Ages and ages ago, I tried out a mod which disabled some of the artificial world boundaries in Skyrim. For example, the Great Porch of Dragonsreach. In vanilla, you can't climb onto or over the low wall that surrounds the porch. With this old mod, you could. At the time when trying it out, I thought it seemed neat but I didn't really have any use for it. Recently though I've been trying out the brilliant Paragliding mod by LokiWasTaken, and now I'm thinking that it would be fantastic if I could paraglide from the Great Porch. So, does anyone remember this old mod? I've been searching my Nexus download history but I can't remember the mod name and can't find it now. Alternatively does anyone know of any other mod which might do the same thing? Cheers : )
  13. Hi, thanks for the response : ) It definitely seems to be a CBBE thing. I did a quick test with vanilla body and first person hands look fine. Currently downloading some CBBE hands add-ons (adding extra Bodyslide sliders) to see if they help at all. Losing 3BA from my load order didn't fix it. I didn't know that that was how Improved Camera works, interesting. Also a little confusing though as my third person CBBE hands look fine. I couldn't find any hands sliders in Racemenu, just one for wrists which didn't seem to achieve much. I do save Racemenu presets. In fact I've had pretty much the same character for years and years now. One day she might even finish the main quest. Typically, I'm probably going to spend hours/days trying to work this out, just to fix one small issue that rarely if ever appears in my game haha. I might never even have noticed it had I not found the new Improved Camera.
  14. I'm working on a new build after many months off, and was dead chuffed to find that Improved Camera is now available for AE 640. It all seems great, except for when I "equip" unarmed ... my hands are enormous and more than a little bit fugly. Has the game always looked like this? I've nearly always played combat in third person before, and rarely unarmed, but I don't recall it ever looking like this before. I've installed CBBE 3BA and XPMSSE but aside from that my load order is so far more or less vanilla. After some googling, I tried downloading "Natural and Skinnier Hands" but it seems to make no difference. I can't find any Bodyslide sliders that seem relevant. I also tried running the game without Improved Camera. Any comments/advice would be most welcome : )
  15. Is this anything like what you're looking for? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33559
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