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Morrowind Style Dungeons [WIP]


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I also love this idea :D


Aside from just liking the idea I love the idea of someone deciding to do this mod lol. This mod adds a lot of content, and at the same time, 90% the most fun part of mod making, the world building type stuff.


If this is still at all, afloat, let me know if you want any help with designing or implementing your designs of complex boss and monster encounters. I was inspired by a post, I forget where it is, that pertained to more complex boss encounters in dungeons, so along with my current encounters mod, I've been doing quite a bit of work on boss encounter management. This sounds like it just *might* be a good venue for such things if you're still around and interested. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/622160-spawning-mob-on-trigger/ has some small examples of a version of stuff I'm doing. That one was without a quest for simplicity though. Using a quest(as encounter management) greatly extends the possibilities.






I remember HATING having to look in EVERY nook and cranny in those daedric shrines and other places of Morrowind. I realize now how much I miss it though compared to the cookie cutter format of the dungeons now. Go forward -> activate lever, kill 2 mobs at a time -> step on trap -> activate lever -> kill boss who's waiting at a distance despite having a melee weapon... -> Activate lever -> receive bacon -> activate lever -> you were right next to the entrance all along.

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  • 5 weeks later...
I like the idea behind this project, but I feel like there's already a lot of dungeons in the game. Adding more stuff is never a bad thing, but perhaps rather than making a bunch of new dungeons, it might be better to modify existing ones? If this mod is still alive of course
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